Friday, September 4, 2020
Teen suicide 2 Essay Example For Students
Adolescent self destruction 2 Essay Adolescent Suicide An adolescent stands in a dry and forsaken enclosure with what is left of his dads once glorious group of sheep. He holds the rifle used to execute the rest of the sheep. He thinks about all the weight on his family and the consistent prodding at school. He raises the weapon and without speculation discharge. At the point when his dad finds the youthful keeps an eye on body soon thereafter, he is sickened. The rancher contemplates internally, why didnt I know this was how he felt and for what reason did he murder himself? The profound melancholy felt by young people who frequently end their own life is a stressing pattern in both rustic and urban youth. For quite a long time self destruction has been a savage executioner to adolescents. Youngster Suicide is the third driving reason for death for adolescents close to mishaps and wrongdoing. Over 25% of young people consider taking their lives. Most as of late, high schooler self destruction has the regard that it merits. More than 5,000 adolescents will pass on this year in light of the idea that its absolutely impossible out of their issues. In 1960, just 1,500 young people took there life. As a result of this sensational increment researchers have spent numerous years considering approaches to forestall this horrendous, frightful demise. Regardless of this expanded self destruction rate, sadness in this age bunch is significantly under-analyzed. Anybody can be a casualty of high schooler self destruction, regardless of whether it be the star quarterback or the class cerebrum. Youthful guys are multiple times bound to take than life than females. The main ways for female adolescent to end it all is sedate overdose or cutting of the wrists. Guys, then again, utilize the hanging or hopping strategy. The utilization of guns are equivalent among the sexual orientations. Numerous individuals accept that downturn is straightforwardly connected with teenager self destruction. Wretchedness is a genuine mental issue wherein an individual endures long times of bitterness and other negative sentiments. In this manner it goes to no shock to find that youthful wretchedness is emphatically connected to adolescent self destruction. Earthy colored (1996) has said the motivation behind why wretchedness is frequently over glanced in kids and youths is on the grounds that kids are not generally ready to communicate how they feel. Here and there the side effects of temperament issue take on various structures in kids than in grown-ups. Youth is a period of passionate disturbance, disposition swings, bleak considerations, and increased affectability. It is a period of defiance and experimentation. Blackman (1996) saw that the test is to recognize burdensome symptomatology which might be superimposed on the background of an increasingly transient, yet anticipated, formative tempest. Shaun Lukes, a specialist into youth self destruction, destinations wandering off in fantasy land, acting as the class jokester, hyperactivity and the unexpected aversion of school and additionally a sensational fall in school execution as pointers to possible self-destructive conduct. The fundamental hazard factors in self destruction endeavors are substantial liquor utilization; melancholy; Aboriginality; past endeavored self destruction endeavors; noteworthy fall out seeing someone late months (a high hazard factor). These components can be perceived and followed up on, either with guiding from the family specialist or by access to one of the many assist lines with running by expert care groups. With help from family and expert treatment, kids and adolescents who are self-destructive can mend and come back to a progressively sound way of advancement. Giving them that their life is of incentive to you might be all they have to forestall them turning into a measurement in the adventure of raising youth self destruction. .
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Characteristics of Orientalism Essay Example for Free
Qualities of Orientalism Essay There are a few contrasts between the Arab and Muslim gatherings. The fact is that Arabs are an ethnic gathering and Muslims are a strict gathering. A Muslim is an individual who rehearses the Islam religion. On the planet, most Muslims are not really Arabs and most Arabs are not really Muslims. â€Å"Orientalism is the shortsighted perspective on the individuals and history of the Orient, with no acknowledgment of progress after some time or the decent variety inside its numerous cultures†(Schaefer, 2006). This term is a distortion of individuals from the East by those in the West. One trademark is generalizing the distinction in strict articulation. Separation and partiality are different qualities of orientalism. For instance, the overemphasis of Arab and Muslim ladies wearing face shroud in the media. This is viewed as mistreating ladies yet the history behind it isn't being told. After the 9/11 assaults, the USA Patriot Act, which was passed in October 2001, had explicit arrangements that censured victimization Arab and Muslim Americans. This demonstration was overhauled on the grounds that it had been blamed for adding to the dread inside the Arab and Muslim people group. Sadly, all approaches were not changed in a positive manner. The U. S. Division of Justice required all outside brought into the world Muslim men to answer to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. They must be fingerprinted, captured, and met. There are a few things that people can do to advance resistance and decrease bias in their towns and urban communities. One approach to accomplish this is by rewarding everybody similarly. Another approach to diminish partiality is by instructing ourselves about a person’s culture. On the off chance that we can increase a comprehension of an individual’s social foundation, we are opening up our brains to understand that those that we consider â€Å"different†may have comparable perspectives. Attributes of Orientalism. (2018, Oct 13).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gatt Essay Research Paper General Agreement on free essay sample
Gatt Essay, Research Paper General Agreement on and Trade ( GATT ) , a trial and for the most part intentional comprehension for the decline of obstructions to universe exchange, went into by practically all of import exchanging states is the significant member in the US position of worldwide concern. Haggled in 1947 at Geneva, Switzerland, among 23 states, GATT came into power on Jan. 1, 1948. By 1983, 90 states were full individuals from GATT, and 23 states had restricted position. The endorsers, each piece great as individuals under specific or trial footings, incorporate the United States, the British Commonwealth states, most conditions of Western Europe, Eastern European states, including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, and a figure of Latin American, African, and Asiatic states, for example, Japan, India, and Pakistan. These states together record for more than 80 for each centum of the universe # 8217 ; s exchange. GATT understandings do non sway the political dealingss of take separating state s, nor do they shield them from or other troublesome exchange intercession by individual take separating states. We will compose a custom paper test on Gatt Essay Research Paper General Agreement on or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Exchange understandings came to by ministers at GATT meetings are skilled to finishing up gift by their authoritiess. During the downturn of the 1930 # 8217 ; s, the United States sought after a high-arrangement ( Hawley-Smoot Act of 1930 ) in the expectation of expanding residential creation and business. Cordell Hull, President Franklin D. Roosevelt # 8217 ; s secretary of region, perceived that high were blocking rather than helping recuperation. His endeavors to obtain an inversion achieved the Trade Agreements Act of 1934, which assigned to the president the approval to do respective cutting understandings. The Hull plan was broadened inconsistently through the 1940 # 8217 ; s. By the terminal of World War II it was clear that respective understandings had genuine limitations. Imports were utilized as a hazard against the utilization of by different states, and awards were retained for dread that nonreciprocating states may derive advantage from them. A diserse assault was required, and the United States took the debut toward that terminal in the advancement of GATT. Elements of GATT GATT has three essential qualities: plans of awards ; a codification of rules and guidelines managing imports and fares ; and occasional gatherings that give a discussion to talking exchange employments ( Focus, 1994 ) . Concessions may keep or smother import duties and inclinations. The plans of awards incorporate in excess of 60,000 focuses, enveloping the best part of all universe exchange. Arrangements start reciprocally on an item side-effect balance and go diserse as they are joined to compose the plan of awards of all the take separating states. The standards and guidelines of GATT shield the awards and supplement them by relax uping such different hindrances to stock as import budgetary income improvements, and managerial laws. GATT # 8217 ; s commissariats insist the most-supported country mediation by the US ( the giving to all expresses whatever footings are given to the most loved ) in imposts, and income improvement undertakings. Progresss in exchange have come about because of occasional GATT gatherings. The primary gathering at Geneva in 1947-1948 was trailed by exchanges at Annecy, France, in 1949 ; Torquay, England, in 1951 ; Geneva in 1956 and again from 1960 through 1962 and from 1964 through 1967. The sixth gathering ( 1964-1967 ) , all things considered known as the Kennedy Round, delivered a comprehension among around 50 take separating states. The seventh gathering, held in Tokyo from 1973 through 1979, delivered a comparable comprehension among its 99 members. This supposed Tokyo Round other than accommodated specific thought for the benefit of creating states. In accordance with this end, GATT had set up a Trade Center in 1964, which was worked after 1968 together with the UN Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) . GATT and Trade In 1948, whole universe exchange was esteemed at just above $ 58 billion, with the United States representing 34 for each centum of free universe exchange ( Yearbook, 1956 ) . Japan # 8217 ; s imports surpassed sends out by 160 for each centum. Today, universe exchange surpasses $ 4 trillion, the United States has a bit of 12 for every centum, and Japan has a past filled with significant exchange excesss. In any case, one needs to look past the Numberss to see a portion of the monetary modifications that have happened. The Western, industrialized states have been joined by new members Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea, who are presently industrialized states in their ain right. Different states have been industrializing ( in the Third World ) while still others, for example, China are going enormous exchange members. In add-on, the Eastern Bloc, has been changed over into developing business sector monetary frameworks, excited and prepared to come known to mankind exchange field. Synergistic pivot are rising among these states. They extend from free understandings for general coaction to great determine monetary understandings, for example, NAFTA and incorporate political developments, for example, the European Union. These alliances modification the way states manage each other ; for delineation, negotiants currently much of the time converse with coalition agents rather than to single states. Trade rates are another nation where there has been modification. Cash esteems used to be fixed ; now they skim. However, a cardinal constituent of swapping scale hypothesis was ever that they were the outcome of universal cash request and gracefully, which in twist was activated generally in terms of professional career streams and inclusion rates. Today, financial streams surpass exchange streams by immense entireties. For representation, the whole estimation of U.S. product trades is about $ 550 billion for every twelvemonth. Conversely, the estimation of overall cash exchanges surpasses $ 1.5 trillion for each twenty-four hours. Significant removals in direction are currently in grounds concerning stock. Verifiably, for outline, the United States has been # 8220 ; Europe situated # 8221 ; in its exchange attitude. This is simple found in the figure of staff individuals in specialists areas who manage Europe. Be that as it may, since 1978 U.S. furthermore, Asia product exchange has surpassed U.S. also, European exchange, and the excess is turning. At a similar clasp, this change has moved the exchange direction of different states as great. For outline, the United States has just declined significantly as a fare finish for Asia # 8217 ; s sends out. From a high of 38 for each centum the U.S. advertise now represents just 28 for each centum of Nipponese fares. The United States is the recipient of simply 23 for each centum of South Korea # 8217 ; s trades, rather than the 36 for every centum it was in the days gone by. By and large, the fares of Asiatic states to the United States normal simply roughly 23 for each centum of their whole fares. The new direction in exchange is joined in terms of professional career insecurities at remarkable degrees. Today, the United States is running a one-year product exchange lack of about $ 120 billion, with Japan roll uping a planetary overabundance of about a similar size. It is hard to recover that I n 1972 President Nixon deserted the overlaid rule as a result of an exchange deficiency of $ 2.5 billion. At long last, there is a planetary affirmation of new issues that are too much huge to be tended to effectively by any one state, yet unnecessarily of import to be disregarded. Society is dynamically engrossed by concerns, for example, air and H2O contamination, planetary warming, biological system care, and new illnesses. Types of since a long time ago run basic joblessness, fundamental failings in instructive assaults, and turning security and health consideration concerns are simply a couple of different issues which are non nearby, however planetary in nature ( Simai, 1994 ) . The Private Outlook Change is non kept simply to authoritiess. At the planetary degree numerous limits and convictions about exchange, have gotten liquid. Rivalry has expanded definitely from expected and startling quarters. Not run intoing the opposition no longer results in little lessenings in advertise partition, however in a hazard of corporate eradication ( Naisbitt, 1994 ) . At a similar clasp, the capacity to stay in front is securing to be increasingly costly, with expenses of innovative work rise, the speed and effortlessness of building transportation makes creations be loosened actually quickly. Today, opponents can duplicate or better propelled stocks, providing the Godhead often with only constrained opportunity to repay. A representation shows the sort of innovative headway accomplished. The present innovation time of processing machine french friess is just year and a half. More than 70 for every centum of the gross incomes of the informations handling industry were the result of the off er of gadgets that did non be only two mature ages back. Specialists assessed that this per centum would lift to 80 for each centum by 1995 ( U.S. Senate Committee 1994 ) . Progresss in data and interchanges designing have changed the capacity of houses to pick their information sources and their areas. These progresss permit the partition between the initiation and bringing of a product or administration, accordingly offering houses new alternatives for sourcing and remote direct contributing. While the conventional clash in the worldwide market has been one for the privilege of constitution, the delocalization made conceivable by media transmission progresss may in the blink of an eye require a nisus for the privilege to tasks without constitution. These progresss other than empower houses to move out product forms and market pointing with incredible truth. Be that as it may, the opposition and buyer standpoints every now and again require such altera
How to Style Names of Food
Instructions to Style Names of Food Instructions to Style Names of Food Instructions to Style Names of Food By Mark Nichol With regards to names of edibles and drinks, regardless of whether to underwrite appropriate names that are a piece of their names can give one heartburn. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary watches out for capitalized such terms however it frequently (yet not generally) prompts that capitalization isn't fundamental yet The Chicago Manual of Style suggests lowercase structures. The Associated Press Style Book, the guide of record for papers and numerous magazines, will in general change all the more self-assertively in its rules. Here’s some something to think about: Merriam-Webster’s underwrites names of cheeses got from land areas Brie, Cheddar, Stilton, Swiss however they can securely be lowercased without disarray, which is the thing that The Chicago Manual of Style suggests. A few names for kinds of meat hotdog, burger, and wiener get from place names, however notice that they’re all lowercase. France, when the luxurious focal point of the world, has roused a lot of terminology about food French bean and French bread, just to name two yet the modifier in â€Å"french fries†alludes to the sort of cut, so it’s for the most part not promoted. Scotch isn't really promoted when it alludes to bourbon, yet it is uppercased in â€Å"Scotch broth†and â€Å"Scotch egg.†Bourbon isn't promoted. Names of mixed drinks are frequently uppercased â€Å"Bloody Mary,†â€Å"Harvey Wallbanger†particularly, similarly as with these models, if they’re named after individuals (yet note margarita). Be that as it may, mixed beverages named after areas (daiquiri, manhattan) aren’t promoted, aside from â€Å"Irish coffee.†One especially troublesome territory is names of nourishments from different nations. Since the names are transliterated and may come to English through more than one go between language, more than one spelling may enter the language. If all else fails, stay faithful to one style control or a periodical about cooking. In the event that a term has not yet been incorporated or referenced, scan for it online with different spellings and perceive how legitimate Web destinations treat it. Shouldn't something be said about menu things? On a genuine café menu, it’s worthy to underwrite names of dishes, since they are what might be compared to headings on that kind of report, however names of fixings in a graphic section beneath the thing name ought not be promoted except if they as of now merit that differentiation. In any case, in content, words used to portray something served at a café ought to be lowercase except if they’re place names (â€Å"Peking duck†), brand names (â€Å"chicken-’n’-Cheetos), or house creations (â€Å"Sous-Chef Sammy’s Lava Soup†). Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Style classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:Has versus HadDo you arrange yourself, or orientate yourself?50+ Words That Describe Animals (Including Humans)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ethical failures in business
Moral disappointments in business are normal. Organizations penance even the least difficult moral standards for intensity and higher benefits. Client support experts and salesmen frequently wind up disturbed by unscrupulous qualities, with which they are bound to comply.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Ethical disappointments in business explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Customer fulfillment is properly considered as probably the most vulnerable component of corporate morals: rivalry and market immersion place new requests on organizations. Realism verging on moral ridiculousness regularly transforms into the primary instrument of holding clients. However, exploitative benefits are never long haul. As a general rule, clients don't acknowledge exploitative help and decline to proceed with their associations with deceptive organizations. Consequently, associations must form and support a solid, moral atmosphere which will serve the fundamental pr oportion of consumer loyalty over the long haul. Martha Wang has as of late been delegated to Consumer Affairs Department of Herb’s Garden Products (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). She makes the most of her activity and is captivated by the company’s promise to natural insurance (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). Martha accepts that the organization utilizes just regular, safe fixings to create and showcase composts; in any case, one day a client whines that Herb’s Special Fertilizer Mix has killed her pooch (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). Martha realizes that Herb’s items are made of chicken compost and fish side-effects, yet she knew about some mystery fixing, which is uncovered to long haul workers (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). Martha herself utilized the item and found a few dead winged creatures in that piece of the nursery where most manure had been spread (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). Her manager doesn't pay attention to this data, though the proprietor attempts to convince her that the item is the company’s success (Bauer Erdogan, 2011). Martha is being conflicted between her moral concerns and the need to conform to the hierarchical qualities and culture. Martha must take the most important moral choice, however she faces various dynamic difficulties. It ought to be noticed, that the client support experts, just as sales reps and advertising faculty, are regularly seen as neglecting to deal with numerous moral problems (Valentine Barnett, 2003). In this circumstance, standardization of morals through codes of morals and moral strategies could harden employees’ moral expectations (Valentine Barnett, 2003).Advertising Looking for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, Martha works in the way of life of moral carelessness which makes it hard to take the most pertinent choice. From one viewpoint, inability to deal with the customer’s grievance may prompt ly transform into an object of criminal examination and a matter of moral embarrassment. These outrages don't just bring about extra money related expenses on organizations yet uncover pervasiveness of serious moral mischievous activities in business (Formbrun Foss, 2004). Then again, Martha is bound conform to the social standards and working environment conduct desires work environment at Herb’s: basically expressed, she should convince the client that her interests are invalid, since the item is made of normal fixings and can't make any mischief individuals, pets, or other living creatures. Else, she may lose her employment. In the long run, Martha can't take the most pertinent choice, except if she has the fullest data about the item and its fixings. Evidently, Herb’s epitomizes a result based hierarchical framework, which assesses just results however doesn't respect how sales reps and the organization itself accomplish their business objectives (Verbeke, Ouwerker k Peelen, 1996). It's implied that the condition of morals in result based authoritative frameworks is very poor (Verbeke et al, 1996). Such associations penance moral and good standards on the special stepped area of monetary benefits (Bazela, 2010). For Martha, stopping her work with the organization will be the most effortless and least inconvenient arrangement. However, on the off chance that that is the situation, clients will be unconscious of the threats and dangers of utilizing Herb’s composts. The circumstance is additionally confounded by the way that Herb’s is really a privately-run company, and neither the proprietor nor Martha’s supervisor is happy to manage the customer’s grumbling. The best Martha can do is to document an official reminder to the chief and the proprietor, attempting to clarify the dangers and potential results of moral mischievous activities in associations. To begin with, the client may record a claim and request pay. Such a claim will fundamentally transform into a colossal moral outrage, which will upset the company’s notoriety and may even lead the association to chapter 11. Second, the client may document a grievance to government specialists which will uncover extreme moral and specialized infringement inside the organization. Once more, the company’s future is under danger. Third, dishonest benefits are never long haul: the organization must understand that intensity and productivity are outlandish without a significant rebuilding of the authoritative culture at Herb’s. The organization must educate its clients that the Fertilizer is hazardous to living creatures and must be utilized with alert. Herb’s must remake its moral culture; this is conceivable if a general code of morals is made and implemented.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Ethical disappointments in business explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The procedure of social rebuilding at Herb’s won't be smooth: workers and supervisors may oppose and attack new standards and moral prerequisites. Nonetheless, it is fundamental that these moral and social activities originate from inside, before different partners, including clients and the network, understand the concealed risk of Herb’s composts and make a lawful move against the organization. End Ethical disappointments in business are normal. The instance of Martha Wang is a typical case of how organizations penance moral qualities on the special raised area of gainfulness. Martha faces a few dynamic difficulties. From one viewpoint, Martha must arrangement with the customer’s protest. Then again, she will undoubtedly consent to the standards and standards of authoritative conduct at Herb’s. She even dangers losing her employment for resistance. In this circumstance, the best Martha can do is to document a notice clarifying every single imaginable outcome of moral mischievo us activities in associations. Herb’s must remake its way of life and actualize an intricate code of moral lead. The organization must advise its clients that the compost might be hazardous for other living creatures and ought to be utilized with alert. References Bauer, T. Erdogan, B. (2011). Hierarchical conduct. Imaginative Commons. Web. Bazela, M. (2010). Consumer loyalty: The most vulnerable connection of business ethics. Informacion Filosofica, VII(14), 110-118. Formbrun, C. Foss, C. (2004). Business morals: Corporate reactions to scandal. Corporate Reputation Review, 7(3), 284-288. Valentine, S. Barnett, T. (2003). Morals code mindfulness, saw moral qualities, and hierarchical duty. Diary of Personal Selling Sales Management, XXIII(4), 359-367.Advertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Verbeke, W., Ouwerkerk, C. Peelen, E. (1996). Investigating the relevant and individual factors on moral dynamic of sales reps. Diary of Business Ethics, 15(11), 1175-1187. This paper on Ethical disappointments in business was composed and put together by client Aspen Ashley to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 7, 2020
SIPA Professor Appointed Chair of Advisory Board of the UNDEF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
SIPA Professor Appointed Chair of Advisory Board of the UNDEF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The faculty members who teach at SIPA bring both strong academic and professional backgrounds to the classroom. SIPA has approximately 60 full-time faculty members along with 100 practitioner faculty members per year. SIPA professor Michael Doyle was recently appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to a new term as Chair of the Advisory Board of the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF). Professor Doyle is the Harold Brown Professor of U.S. Foreign and Security Policy at SIPA. He holds joint appointments in the Columbia Law School and in the Political Science Department. He specializes in human rights, international relations, security, and international organizations. Professor Doyles full profile, along with the profile of all core, adjunct, affiliated, and research faculty can be found by visiting the faculty directory page on the faculty page of SIPA Web site.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Enter the Void Identity and Recovery in Brain on Fire - Literature Essay Samples
In Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, Susannah Cahalan struggles to reconstruct the events during her month of madness in which Susannah’s twenty-four years of normality is suddenly lost in a matter of weeks. As her consciousness and physical body are no longer compatible, she is no longer able to comprehend what she is doing, and thus can no longer understand what she is becoming. With virtually no recollection of her actions, Cahalan’s self is fragmented, and she uses Brain on Fire to pioneer through her journey in hopes of redefining her identity. Due to the lack of control that Susannah has over her actions, Susannah uses words such as monster and stranger to describe the part of her that she and her family repeatedly have to confront. For example, when she re-reads the journal entries of old Susannah â€Å"urgently [attempting] to communicate some deep,dark part of herself†(60), she describes it as incomprehensible even though she wrote it herself. This part of Susannah is a complete stranger, and a dysfunctional one. Her boyfriend, Stephen, stays by her side and Susannah describes it as Stephen loving [her] enough(58) to look past the sick Susannah and see the old Susannah in her. Just by saying this, she implies how her illness created this negative exterior that blocked the real Susannah from everyone else, hence a separate categorization. Although Susannahs emotional and physical well being relies on the support of her family, it begins to take a toll on her when it begins to seem like pity radiating from them. So not only does Susannah need to rely on them for basically everything, she needs to be able to feel their support. This dependent, insane, and unpredictable side of Susannah is what pushes her to characterizes herself as a monster. As Susannah’s state of being rapidly deteriorates, she relies on her family and friends and outside sources to help her piece together the mystery of â€Å"new Susannah†. In the earlier stages, Stephen witnesses one of Cahalan’s seizures. Although she vividly describes the scene, Susannah has not regained the memory of this seizure, saying that she instead relied on Stephen’s recollection(41). This event signified a turning point in Susannah’s life, where she would look back at it and only remember a significant disconnection. Later on, for Susannah’s birthday, her cousin Hannah gives her a gift that she has trouble unwrapping. She says her â€Å"physical slowness and awkward speech pattern reminded Hannah of a Parkinson’s patient†(104). In fact, when the gifts turn out to reflect the books that she previously read, Susannah says that she has never read them. This observation from Hannah and her mother are an outside source that clearly exhibit how forgetful Susannah was during her illness, further shown by the fact that she can’t remember the whole event after her illness regardless. When her friends visit her in the hospital and try to find out what’s going on, she once again says â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.don’t†¦remember†(111). This repeated forgetfulness portrays a struggle between the old Susannah and the new Susannah with doing everyday normal things, such as carrying a casual conversation with friends she’s had for years. During her month of madness, there are always people around her wondering â€Å"do you think she’s ever going to be the same†(111). As she delves deeper into the mystery of her illness, Susannah not only disconnects from her old self, but loses it completely as the insanity takes over. Her illness caused her behavior to deviate from what she understands to be the social norm, and as a result makes way for a multitude of binary constructions. In the beginning, when Susannah tries to pinpoint a reason for why she is the way she is, she ends up going back and forth with her mom and Allen because of multiple illogical reasons she comes up with(56). This is a signifier to post-recovery Susannah and to her mother and Allen of how the rational Susannah has been replaced with an erratic one during her illness. Although Susannah has maintained a professional and normal lifestyle hitherto, she quickly becomes impulsive and delusional. This is reflected when she tries to jump out of the car shortly after hallucinating (61). Susannah also has a significant problem with her speech, a problem that she as a professional journalist has never dealt with prior to her illness. She says that â€Å"I had been a professional conversationalist, normally the kind of person who could make small talk with a brick wall†(109). During her illness, however, Susannah recounts how people can barely understand what she says half the time. This is a signifier of a new self emerging and also perhaps the loss of her old identity. In one of the EEG videos, Susannah is seen turning on the TV and speaking to it, and then freaking out when the nurses turn the TV off(87). Since at this point nobody has identified the illness in Susannah yet, these delusions not only impact Susannah, but the doctors trying to help her. They associate terms such as â€Å"schizoaffective disorder†and â€Å"psychosis†to Susannah, which only pushes her into confusion even more.This co nfusion can be seen as doctors continue to associate terms with her symptoms but are unable to pinpoint a specific cause with their MRIs and CT scans (114). In fact, at one point a nurse tells her that she’s seen Susannah’s situation before and that it’s all in her head because of the stress fro Susannah’s work (64). Susannah takes it quite literally and ends up thinking that everything was a trick and the nurse was a hired actor. As a result, this deflates Susannah’s motivation of finding answers, which expands the hole in her identity that she is working to fill in. Even though Susannah’s deviation becomes apparent to herself at one point, she still has a hard time adapting and conforming to it appropriately. Although, many of her reactions were greatly influenced by her illness. For example, this is evident when Dr. Najjar redirected Susannah to a brain biopsy, Susannah reacted with childlike enthusiasm that quickly turned to fear and distress (137). Furthermore, Susannah’s new self is so deviated from her old self, that even she barely recognizes herself. When Susannah describes re-watching video tapes of herself, she says that she â€Å"could never have imagined [herself] capable of such madness and misery†(175). Susannah’s identity is also shaped and impacted in many ways by the relationship with her family, boyfriend and friends. Throughout the memoir, Susannah often reveals how much the support of these people contributed to Susannah’s road to recovery. When Susannah’s old self emerges amidst the abnormality and insanity, it is clear that it excited the characters around her because it represents progress. This can be seen when Susannah and her boyfriend Stephen begin singing the chorus of a song they both love together towards the end of the book (171) and Stephen reacting in astonishment. Susannah’s relationship with her dad is also very significant. At the beginning of the memoir, her dad is very apprehensive and cautious. As the story progresses, Susannah’s illness breaks down her dad enough that he becomes vulnerable to her. For example, during one of her paranoid outbreaks, her father shifts his attitude from fed up to troubled, and he asks her â₠¬Å"‘Why are you doing this to me†(67). Susannah, of course, with waning mental stability, doesn’t know and doesn’t care, which troubles her father even more. Later on though, Susannah says that weeks after the illness began, her father spent more time with her than usual and was determined to support Susannah as much as possible. Susannah describes how her father kept a journal as well, and wrote about how he prays â€Å"God would take him instead of [her]†(95). It is heartbreaking to Susannah, and very clearly exhibits the level of compassion that Susannah’s father has toward supporting his daughter. This is very important in terms of Susannah’s recovery, because it indeed does help. After all, Susannah’s dad suggested for Susannah to keep a journal, which turned out to not only benefit Susannah during her illness, but help Susannah understand herself after the illness, too. Her dad played a crucial role in the improvement of Susannah’s health solely because of his persistence and positivity (94).In the pursuit of recovering her lost identity, Susannah uses professional techniques to assist her in doin g so. In her author’s note, Susannah describes her story as â€Å"a journalist’s inquiry into that deepest part of self-personality, memory,identity.†A resourceful person, Susannah uses her computer diaries as a way to try to delve into the mindset of herself while she was sick (59). Susannah also uses videotapes of therapy sessions, hospital sessions and more to gain more insight. When watching the videos, Susannah does not refer to herself as â€Å"me†but as â€Å"her†(175). This is very significant because even while trying to reconnect the missing pieces, Susannah is unable to comprehend how sick Susannah was the same as normal Susannah. Brain on Fire provides an unconventional approach to understanding an illness, in this case an autoimmune disease, that is more to provide closure to the author herself then to explain the situation to the readers. In an attempt to comprehend herself during this illness, Susannah plunges into the world of mystery and uncertainty that is her sickness. It is vital for her to do so because she has lost a significant part of herself with this disease. She recognizes that she can perhaps never get it back, but the journalist intuition in Susannah pushes her to take the risk to attempt to pick up and understand the pieces left behind. Works Cited Cahalan, Susannah. Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness. Simon Schuster Paperbacks. New York. 2012. Print.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Climate Change Urgent Issue - 2066 Words
Climate Change: Urgent Issue Chris McBee Mr. Mirosavich English 2 Honors, Period 0 26 April 2015 All over the world mankind commonly references mother Earth as important and fragile and even locally there are second graders at Cornerstone elementary singing Native American songs describing how â€Å"the Earth is our mother, we must take care of her.†The rising issue of global warming, scientifically known as climate change, is slowly becoming a worldwide epidemic that only 53% of Americans are even worried about, according to a 2014 survey by the IPCC. The definition of climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. The first studies of climate change and human carbon dioxide emissions started in 1896 by a man named Arrhenius. The interest was renewed during the cold war era when several satellites were launched and more data taking resources were available. 1970 was host to the first Earth day and since then global warming has gained more and more awareness and understanding. The cause of the average global temperature is due to the greenhouse effect, in which the suns heat and energy heats the Earth’s surface then gets absorbed by greenhouse gasses and re-emitted in all directions warming the surface and the atmosphere. With more than 1300 scientists on the IPCC teamShow MoreRelatedThe Sustainable Development Goal ( Sdg )1056 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,†and presents five targets for ensuring global sustainability and resilience in wake of the warming climatic system. For the sake of efficient analysis the measurability of the first three targets 13.1-13.3 regarding global adaptation will be grouped, while 13.a+b concerning developing countries will be addressed separately. The effectiveness of said targets in regards to the management of, and adaptation to, global cli mate change willRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change Essay1656 Words  | 7 Pages Climate change is defined by the Intergovernmental panel on climate change ( IPCC) as a variation in the mean state of climate persisting for an extended period of time typically decades or longer while the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) defines climate change as a change in the climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activities that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article How Mankind Blew The Fight Against Climate Change ``1522 Words  | 7 PagesTemperature rising isn’t just abnormal; it’s a serious matter that has caught the attention of many scientists. Scientists has issued that climate change is happening and with all the burning of fossil fuel we’ll be looking at devastating consequences. In the editorial â€Å"How Mankind Blew the Fight against Climate Change,†published in the Washington Post (June 5, 2014), American environmentalist Bill McKibben discusses the major consequences of oil industries, arguing that limitations can happen ifRead MoreThe Effects Of Deforestation On The Environment953 Words  | 4 Pagesrates, it is with urgency that the issue needs to be faced in order to protect the well-being of both the environment as well as humans. Deforestation alters normal weather patterns by causing warmer and colder temperatures. These impact the environment as they affect the growth of crops that rely on constant temperatures for growth. It also increases the frequency of flooding as rainfall levels are affected by deforestation. (Chakravarty et al., 2012) Climate Change Not only is air pollution a resultRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On Our Economy1090 Words  | 5 Pageswarming is â€Å"The increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to rising levels of greenhouse gases†(NASA). This issue is not a myth anymore, is affecting our economy, health and our future aggressively. The need to reduce pollutant emissions is now something urgent and an important commitment for all the nations. Natural disasters, virus and diseases are consequences of changes of temperature, the emissions of carbon gases weaken the ozone layer, water and food pollution. According to the WorldRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects On The Environment Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagesacidification caused by carbon dioxide and water temperature are threatening 75 percent of the world’s coral reefs since the changes of water’s features make they unable to absorb calcium carbonate which makes up their shells. Moreover, climate change not only challenges scientists and climatologists, but also puts a big pressure on economists, sociologists and politics. The changes in climate can shift crop patterns. Additionally, extreme and fluctuated weathers such as droughts, floods, and heavy downpoursRead MoreOver Time, Texas Has Experienced Periods Of Dominance By1242 Words  | 5 Pagessocial climate and changing demographics, are all factors that may influence which party will experience the greatest power in the future. In order to determine the role that population, demographics, and social climate will have on party dominance, we must explore both parties, as well as the changes that are occurring in Texas. This paper will discuss the major priorities of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the changes that are occurring in relation to demographics and social climate. FinallyRead MoreA Brief Note On Livestock s Long Shadow : Environmental Issues And Options By The Livestock, Environ ment And Development Initiative865 Words  | 4 Pagesthe livestock system which, apart from fossil fuel, is also a huge threat to drastic climate change; and, subsequently decipher if suggestive recommendations and reforms for policy and its implementation should be incorporated in the outcome of the UNFCCC as soon as possible. Several extensive reports have been chosen by the writer to contemplate the issue at hand i.e. Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options by the Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative (hereinafter LEAD)Read MoreA Brief Note On Livestock s Long Shadow : Environmental Issues And Options By The Livestock, Environment And Development Initiative867 Words  | 4 Pagesthe livestock system which, apart from fossil fuel, is also a huge threat to drastic climate change; and, subsequently decipher if suggestive recommendations and reforms for policy and its implementation should be incorporated in the outcome of the UNFCCC as soon as possible. Several extensive reports have been chosen by the writer to contemplate the issue at hand i.e. Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options by the Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative (hereinafter LEAD)Read MoreMicro Economics : Energy Industry1327 Words  | 6 PagesProfessor’s Name College Course Date MICRO ECONOMICS: ENERGY INDUSTRY Introduction The topic chosen for this discussion is the micro economic especially Australian Energy Industry. It is acknowledged that this industry needs urgent policy reformation in regards to climate and energy. To achieve the reformation, four areas have been earmarked: supply reliability, price control and adequate demand and fixing COAG Energy Council (Pears 2017). Article Discussion Industry Discussion The main focus
Monday, May 18, 2020
Derechos migratorios de padres de ciudadano de EE.UU.
En la actualidad, ser padre o madre de un ciudadano americano menor de 21 aà ±os no da lugar a ningà ºn derecho desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos. La respuesta es muy clara y no admite lugar a interpretaciones. No hay derecho a quedarse en Estados Unidos por esta razà ³n ni tampoco a sacar una visa por el mero hecho de ser el papà ¡ o la mamà ¡ de un nià ±o o nià ±a que es estadounidense. Es otras palabras, no es suficiente tener un bebà © en Estados Unidos Unidos para emigrar legalmente. Ademà ¡s, dependiendo de los casos puede ser un problema para los padres que desean renovar sus visas de turista. En este artà culo se informa sobre los distintos supuestos que pueden darse cuando unas personas extranjeras tiene un hijo que tiene ciudadanà a estadounidense. Quà © pasa si estando en Estados Unidos se tiene un hijo Si una mujer extranjera da a luz en Estados Unidos, su hijo es ciudadano de Estados Unidos salvo en el caso de que sea hijo de padre o madre diplomà ¡tico que està ¡ en el paà s en esa funcià ³n. La ciudadanà a estadounidense por nacimiento en el paà s, que tambià ©n se conoce como ius solii, se produce con independencia del estatus legal de los padres, en otras palabras, no importa si son indocumentados. En estos casos el bebà © tambià ©n adquiere la ciudadanà a. Ni siquiera sirve para proteger frente a una posible deportacià ³n. Pero lo que no pasarà ¡ es que los padres puedan cambiar su estatus migratorio por razà ³n del nacimiento. Si son indocumentados, seguirà ¡n siendo indocumentados. Ademà ¡s, para evitar perder la custodia de los nià ±os en caso de detencià ³n por estar indocumentado, es altamente recomendable explorar la posibilidad de hacer un poder de representacià ³n (power of attorney) en previsià ³n de que se pueda dar esa circunstancia. Por otro lado, los padres del bebà © nacido en EE.UU. està ¡n en el paà s legalmente con una visa temporal como, por ejemplo, de trabajo o de turista, deberà ¡n conservar el visado para no perder su estatus y salir dentro del plazo autorizado para permanecer en el paà s. Padres que regresan a su paà s de origen con hijo nacido en EE.UU. El padre o la madre no tienen derecho a conseguir ningà ºn tipo de visado o de tarjeta de residencia por razà ³n del nià ±o. Pueden solicitarla, pero sà ³lo le serà ¡ concedida si reà ºnen por ellos mismos los requisitos para su obtencià ³n. En otras palabras, si por ejemplo, solicita un visado de turista, deberà ¡ ser considerado elegible y admisible. En caso contrario la peticià ³n serà ¡ rechazada. Y asà sucede con todas las visas. Por otro lado, el nià ±o que nacià ³ en Estados Unidos conserva su ciudadanà a aunque nunca regrese a vivir a su paà s de nacimiento, ya que esa no es causa para perder la nacionalidad americana. Si se desea solicitar un pasaporte para el menor o algà ºn tipo de documentacià ³n pueden pedirle un acta o certificado de nacimiento, que puede conseguirse desde el extranjero. Lo que sà sucederà ¡ es que de acuerdo a las leyes actuales, si el nià ±o nacido en Estados Unidos vive toda su vida en el extranjero entonces con el paso del tiempo no podrà ¡ transmitirle su nacionalidad americana a sus propios hijos nacidos tambià ©n fuera de USA. Y es que para que pueda funcionar ese tipo de transmisià ³n derivada de la nacionalidad se requieren ciertos aà ±os de residencia en EE.UU., que varà an segà ºn se trate del padre o la madre y de si està ¡n solteros o està ¡n casados. Quà © pasa si el hijo es estadounidense aunque ha nacido en el extranjero Hay casos en los que un nià ±o/a nacidos en el extranjero son estadounidenses y asà consta en el Reporte Consular de Nacimientos en el Exterior. Si la ciudadanà a se da porque sà ³lo uno de los padres es estadounidense, el otro no puede reclamar ni una tarjeta de residencia ni una visa para los Estados Unidos argumentando que tiene un hijo americano. Sà ³lo puede obtener documentacià ³n para viajar de dos formas. En primer lugar, para emigrar definitivamente por medio de una green card, sà ³lo puede hacerlo si reà ºne por sà mismo los requisitos para sacarla o si està ¡ casado con un estadounidense que le pide. En segundo lugar, si es para viajar temporalmente a Estados Unidos, sà ³lo podrà ¡ sacar una visa no inmigrante tipo turista, estudiante, intercambio, trabajo, etc. si califica por sà mismo y cumple con todos los requisitos. Quà © pasa cuando el hijo estadounidense cumple los 21 aà ±os de edad El ciudadano americano que es mayor de 21 aà ±os puede solicitar la tarjeta de residencia para sus padres. Si bien deben darse los siguientes requisitos: Vivir en Estados Unidos, ya que se trata de una visa para reunificacià ³n familiar.Tener ingresos para patrocinar suficientes.Firmar un affidavit of support o juramento de apoyo econà ³mico de sus padres.Ademà ¡s, es necesario que el padre o la madre que quieren gozar de este beneficio no incurran en ninguna de las circunstancias por las que se puede rechazar una peticià ³n de tarjeta de residencia permanente. ​ Si el padre o la madre se encuentran ya en EE.UU e ingresaron ilegalmente al paà s entonces hay un problema grande ya que no puede ajustar el estatus. En estos casos, antes de presentar los papeles es recomendable consultar con un abogado ya que en la mayorà a de los casos, en la prà ¡ctica, no va a ser posible arreglar los papeles. Pero como cada caso es à ºnico, tener en consideracià ³n que en ocasiones es posible pedir un perdà ³n provisional por dureza extrema, tambià ©n conocido como waiver y asà sacar la green card, aunque seguirà a siendo necesario viajar fuera de EE.UU. para una entrevista en el consulado. Caso de hijos abandonados o abusados por sus padres Si el hijo o la hija obtienen los papeles por medio del programa de Estatus Especial de Inmigrantes Juveniles (SIJ), los padres nunca jamà ¡s podrà ¡n obtener beneficios migratorios por peticià ³n del ese hijo. Caso de hijo nacido en EE.UU y padres estaban en el paà s con visa temporal No es infrecuente que una mujer embarazada ingrese a Estados Unidos y dà © a luz a un bebà © que, por derecho de suelo, adquiere la ciudadanà a estadounidense. En estos casos es importante pagar los gastos del parto porque si no se hace, lo harà ¡ Medicare, un programa del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos. Hacer esto es considerado como carga pà ºblica y, por lo tanto, causa para negar una visa o su renovacià ³n. A veces pasan aà ±os antes de que el problema se detecta, pero si el consulado o los agentes en el paso migratorio determinan que se tiene un hijo estadounidense y se sospecha que no se ha pagado por el gasto hospitalario entonces se puede negar la visa, cancelarla y, en el caso de estar en la frontera, prohibir el ingreso a Estados Unidos. Curiosidad sobre los apellidos hispanos en USA  Aunque en las à ºltimas dos dà ©cadas la migracià ³n ha llegado a niveles histà ³ricos realmente altos lo cierto es que a dà a de hoy la mayorà a de los hispanos son estadounidenses ya nacidos en el paà s. Debido a los altos nà ºmeros de los flujos migratorios y de nacimientos, los latinos somos en la actualidad la mayor minorà a, habiendo pasado en nà ºmero a los afroamericanos. Una prueba de esta importancia demogrà ¡fica se encuentra en el censo, donde casi una veintena de apellidos latinos se encuentran entre los 100 primeros e incluso 2 està ¡n en el top 10. Este es un artà culo meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Diversity, Gender, And Sexual Orientation - 1584 Words
The United States is known for its diversity. As a nurse working in such a culturally dynamic country, it is extremely important to be culturally competent in order to provide optimal care. Culturally competent care is defined as â€Å"nursing that is sensitive to issues related to culture: religion, race, gender, and sexual orientation.†(Euro med.) In order to deliver such care a nurse must have the knowledge of, be aware of and understand the importance of a patient’s cultural background and how this cultural background affects the care the nurse may give. It is an ongoing process and must be studied continuously. According to the research, about 78.4 percent of the U.S population is Christian. In that category, there are many sub categories such as Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, Orthodox etc. About 4.7 percent believe in other religions such as Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism etc. (Religion) In order to become a culturally competent nurse, one must fully acknowledge the difference between these religions as well as special considerations of said religions that affect the patient’s health care. For example, Jehovah’s Witness do not allow blood transfusions due to their belief that the Bible states that Christian’s should not consume blood while Jewish and Muslim patients adhere to a Kosher diet and Halal diet respectively. Catholic patients also typically consult with a Catholic priest if a patient is near death which is similar to patients whoShow MoreRelatedGender And Sexual Orientation Of Diversity1582 Words  | 7 Pagestourism and h ospitality industry. At present the gender and sexual orientation not only are held hostage-cutting in various parts of the world changes in the process, but also by the transformation of society throughout the thousand-state changes. They put gender as a key variable, focusing inspected it with other social differences cross interaction. In their view, all grades are interrelated, gender, race, ethnicity, national, class, sexual orientation, age, geographical, and many of the differencesRead MoreNon Discrimination Policies Of The Home Depot Company Essay782 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscriminate on basis of a host of job-irrelevant issues, comprising race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, age and ethnicity put themselves at a competitive disadvantage as opposed to companies that appraise employees solely on their credentials and qualifications to work well. Given the high rates of discrimination encountering the workforce today, discrimination based on racial discrimination and sexual orientation represents an actual hazard to the profitability of companies (Oeo.tufts.eduRead MoreWhat Makes A Successful Business?1136 Words  | 5 Pagesof bringing diversity into the workforce. To be able to obtain knowledge and strength from others individual traits shows deep facets in character. These traits show when working with individuals of many cultures and backgrounds in the workplace. A leader who has this ability can handle everyone uniquely and ethically and is in tune with what differentiates one associate from the next. Once one has a grasp on who they are then can one expect to lead a diverse team. Many diversities include differentRead MoreUsing Diversity and Inclusion to Provide Better Service1344 Words  | 6 PagesBUSI 3312: Organizational Behavior Case Study (10%): Using Diversity and Inclusion to Provide Better Service Name: Mona Al Hilal Instructor: Dr. Beverley McNally Submission Date: April 7, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction 2 Question 1: Describe what is meant by diversity and equality. 3 Question 2: Explain which groups are particularly covered by equality laws. 4 Question 3: Analyze Tesco’s diversity strategy, explaining why it is important to the workforce, the customersRead MoreBenefits Of Organizational Diversity And Diversity Essay1402 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational diversity is defined as the variety of differences amongst the people in a workplace with regard to background, education, organizational function, cognitive style, personality, age, tenure, ethnic group, gender, and race. It involves the perception people hold upon themselves and their work colleagues. Therefore, the most successful organizations tend to spend their resources on diversity management. Benefits of Organizational Diversity. The benefits of organizational diversity include aRead MoreTypes Of Diversity Protected Under Federal Laws886 Words  | 4 Pagesof Diversity There are six main categories of diversity protected under federal laws. They are gender, age, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and disabilities. Each diversity brings something new and different to an organization s culture. Gender Gender diversity is the proportion of women to men in any particular workplace or team (gender diversity). It can range from a department to the board of directors. Women bring trustworthiness and legitimacy to work teams (gender diversity)Read MoreSexual Orientation Diversity Management At Small And Large Organizations1235 Words  | 5 PagesShawna Silva and Jason Streger Liberty University â€Æ' A Case for Sexual Orientation Diversity Management in Small and Large Organizations I. Introduction A. â€Å"Approximately 9 million Americans identify themselves as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). With alternate sexual orientation. Managers and employees are becoming more tolerant and there is a growing respect for individuals with non-traditional sexual orientation†(Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, 2014, p. 3-4d). B. OrganizationsRead MoreDimensions of Diversity1127 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics that set him or her apart from other people. In that case, diversity as a term is used to denote any dimension utilized to bring out or identify the various differences between people and groups. It is important to note that today, with the world increasingly becoming a truly global village, it has become necessary for individuals to appreciate and embrace differences in others. In this text, I define diversity and highlight its dimensions (both hidden and visible). Further, I come upRead MoreTrans And Transgender : An Umbrella Term931 Words  | 4 Pageswith the gender that they were born. It encompasses all people who do not fit into a binary conception of gender identity or expression. It is a group with diverse identities and expressions, and that differ from stereotypical gender norms. Some transgender choose to modify their bodies to varying degrees, whether through surgeries, or hormo ne therapies, while others choose to live without surgical intervention, and change their body and behavior in other ways, and live as their chosen gender (HoughtalingRead MoreMulticultural Education : Integrated Diverse Learners955 Words  | 4 Pagesnation is integrated of diverse learners. Diversity in the United States includes race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, cultural heritage, ability, and disability. As teachers, we have to help meet all of the student’s needs, so they can reach their full potential. Offering programs to help diverse student will help them succeed in school and life. Teachers can respond to diversity by practicing multicultural education, gender equality, considering students for programs
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thomas Paine A Very Curious Individual - 1664 Words
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was a very curious individual. An Englishman who became a champion of the rights of man and free humanity around the globe, he is generally regarded as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, irrespective of the fact that he held no political office and seems to have been somewhat glossed over (if not altogether ignored) by many of the ‘confirmed’ Founders. John Adams, for instance, is said to have pooh-poohed the writings of the troublesome Paine, even growing to hate him in his old age. Said Adams of Paine: â€Å"He is a keen writer [but his most incendiary work, Common Sense (1776), was no more than] a tolerable Summary of the Arguments which I had been repeating again and again in Congress for nine months.†Towards the end of his life, Adams grew harsher in his opinion of Paine, calling Common Sense â€Å"a poor, ignorant, Malicious, short-sighted, Crapulous Mass.†Partly owing to statements like this, Paine is regar ded by many, especially in academia and politics, as a â€Å"lesser founder.†Despite this, his contributions to the Revolutionary cause cannot be overstated. Even Adams had to admit: â€Å"Without the pen of the author of ‘Common Sense,’ the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.†Washington himself is said to have ordered the following passage from Paine’s essay, â€Å"The Crisis†, to be read by his troops on the eve of their crossing the Delaware to launch a surprise attack on Trenton in December, 1776: â€Å"These are the times thatShow MoreRelatedTriple Bottom Line10664 Words  | 43 PagesAccountAbility coined and began using the term in its work.* The term found public currency with the 1997 publication of the British edition of John Elkington s Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line ofUst Century Business. ^ There are in fact very few references to the term before this date, and many (including the man himsel f) claim that Elkington coined it. In the last three or four years the term has spread like wildfire. The Internet search engine, Google, returns roughly 52,400 web pagesRead MoreJudith Butlers Perception of the Female in the Modern Era: Gender Identity and the Act of Becoming in Cindy Shermans History Portraits6698 Words  | 27 Pagesheld sway over European thought for centuries, modern woman began to follow suit. Thus, the proto-type feminist of the late 18th century, Mary Wollstonecraft, could write with utter conviction A Vindication of the Rights of Woman a year after Thomas Paine published the Rights of Man (1791) and in response to the same. Yet, one generation later, her own child, Mary Shelley, wife of the famous poet Percy Bysshe, would create one of the most haunting visions of alienated identity ever created in theRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pagesand Barbara B. Moran United States Government Information: Policies and Sources Peter Hernon, Harold C. Relyea, Robert E. Dugan, and Joan F. Cheverie Library Information Systems: From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions Thomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management Frances C. Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition Blanche Woolls BasicRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 UnderstandingRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesgetting a disease from Giardia would be terrible), and 8 (4) considering the probabilities that those various consequences will actually occur (It is 100 percent probable that you wont be thirsty after you drink from the stream. It is only very slightly probable that youll catch a disease if you drink boiled water.) It can be helpful to delay making important decisions when that is practical. During the extra time, you will have an opportunity to think through the problem more carefully
Details Free Essays
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Overcoming Communication Barriers free essay sample
Unmet language needs or preferences Unmet language needs or preferences is a communication barrier because if you don’t speak the same language as the service user you won’t be able to understand what the other person is saying and the other person won’t be able to understand you, so there isn’t any communication being made. Linking this to the case study , where the care worker ‘‘Joanne’ asked ‘Mrs Garcia’ if she would like to get washed loudly managing to gain eye contact with her service user, ‘Mrs Garcia’ looks tearfully and says ‘’I sorry , I no understand’’. This is an example of where communication is not being made. Most people will have a preferred first language, so did ‘Mrs Garcia’ who’s preferred language was Spanish. Also the care worker ‘Joanne’ used slang where she said ‘phat’ meaning good the care worker didn’t understand and misunderstood and thought she was calling her fat. To overcome this barrier the care worker may bring in an interpreter or an advocate to communicate or they can ask the service user which language they feel best to communicate or learn the language they speak. The strengths of this strategy would be that the care worker and the service user will be able to communicate effectively, understand each other also the care worker will be able to understand and meet the service users’ needs more better. Sensory impairment and disabilities Sensory impairment such as hearing impairment and visual impairment Is a barrier because if a care taker talks to a person that has a hearing impairment they would need to maybe speak a bit louder in order for them to hear and in order for them to hear they will need to wear a hearing aid. For example a deaf person whose preferred language is British sign language experiences no problems communicating with another person who is good at signing with British sign language. This person may not be able to communicate with people who use spoken English without the aid of an interpreter. An example of this is in the case study the service user Mrs Garcia has a hearing impairment so Joanne needs to talk louder so that Mrs Garcia is able to hear her but the barriers that are stopping communication from being effective is the background noise which in this case is the loud radio and the window that is open which is letting in the noise of the rush hour traffic outside these are all barriers which are making the communication between Joanne and Mrs Garcia ineffective. ‘ Hello Mrs Garcia , how are you today, Mrs Garcia continued to look out the window that is next to her bed , the service user next to Mrs Garcia’s bed has their radio on loudly and the window is open letting noise of traffic inside’. To overcome this barrier you would again have to compensate by putting more focus into non-verbal communication methods such as hand gestures, facial expressions and touch. Also the care worker ‘Joanne’ may make sure that there is no background noise or communicate and talk to Mrs Garcia in a quite area, the strength of this strategy would be effective communication will be made and the service user will able to receive information of the care worker. Another way to overcome this barrier is by making sure that the service user has their hearing aid with them and making sure that it works properly so that it helps the service user to hear better. The strength of this strategy would be that the service user will be able to hear when they are being talked to and will be able to listen and receive information effectively. Communication involving personality or self-esteem needs, or anxiety or depression Communication involving personality, self-esteem, anxiety or depression is a barrier because if you have your own problems then you may find it hard to concentrate and therefore this could cause barriers in communication. For example if you are stressed or upset about something this can lead them to not being able to concentrate on work and the surrounding environment. So care workers sometimes stop listening or try to avoid conversations to hide or ignore their own personal emotions. Linking this to the case study , where Joanne ‘came in the morning and was finding it hard to concentrate this morning as she did not sleep well last night as a family member is very ill and she is therefore feeling tired and worried’. To overcome this barrier the care worker can ask another member of staff to deal with the situation, if they can’t this is better than the care worker going over there who is upset and worried about a situation themselves, as the care worker will find it difficult to send and receive messages, the care worker will also find it hard to communicate and the service user who it is being said to may misunderstand it. The strength of this strategy would be that the other member of staff will be able to communicate with the service user effectively rather than Joanne as she is worried and upset herself, also the care worker is going to be dealing and handling the situation much better than Joanne. Assumptions This is where you judge or say something without giving it any thought and you just assume of what is being said. Assumptions can be a barrier in communication because if you assume of what is being said it could hurt the service user’s feelings as it could come out wrong, and it would lead to misunderstanding the message. An example of this was from the case study ‘Mrs Garcia was very upset or feeling very ill and the care worker ‘Joanne’ assumed that it was the tablets, and said (TDS). This is a barrier as the care worker only assumed she didn’t ask the service user what actually was the matter. To overcome this barrier the care worker should have listened very carefully to the service user and then ask the service user what was wrong. The strength would be that the care worker wouldn’t have misunderstood and knew what the matter was, effective communication would be made, and the service user would have felt a trustworthy relationship with the care worker.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Economics, supply and demand Essay Example For Students
Economics, supply and demand Essay In the article we find that teenagers have the oppertunity to be demanding about their salary in the baby sitting field, because the amount of babysitters today are scarce. The babysitting population, teenagers, find themselves busy with school, part time jobs, and extracirricular activity. Teenagers with drivers licenses are even more scarce than those with out, all in all, Its hard to find a babysitter. Times have changed, just twenty years ago there were 33 million children who needed to be watched, and 39 million babysitters(age 10 19), recent polls suggest that children that need to be watched raised 18 percent to 39 million while baby sitters dropped 5 percent to 37 million. The rise in children coupled with American families spending more time out then years ago, has allowed the babysitters to set their price with out haggeling. Baby sitters are making well over the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour because they are in demand, and scarce; the babysitters who train in CPR, serve dinner, and drive are the hardest to come by and can demand the highest wages. In this article we see many examples of supply and damand and the powers of supply and demand. Babysitters are in demand, there is an increase in the amount of children who need to be watched yet there are relativly few who choose to babysit from the allready decreased amount of the babysitter work force. This gives the babysitter the advantage of a noncompetitive work force, allowing the baby sitter to set the price with out bargaining. If we were to compare two different production possibility frontiers, we would see a left shift of the curve while demand for baby sitters rises, from 1980 to 1996. In economics we concider this an inflation, the amount of resources(babysitters) decreased while the demand for them rose. This is what we would concider the begining of an econic problem because the resources are scarce. This resulted in an increase of price for that service. We also see that the most experienced, oldest, responcible, and best trained babysitters set the highest prices by up to 60% from a novice sallery of $4 to a expert sallery of $10 and consumers are willing to pay. A consumer is willing to pay that extra $6 an hour for the piece of mind they get when they go out and know that their children are being attending to in the best possible way, much like a consumer is willing to by name brand products for a higher price because they just feel like its better. In the next two or three years the work force of the babysitters will grow, and so will the number of people under the age of 10, this will show a steady PPC with no signs of relief for the consumer. This article shows the power of supply and demand. 20 years ago when children under the age of 10 and baby sitters age 10-19 were both fewer, we saw more competition between the baby sitters resulting in price decreases. Today with fewer baby sitters, all with busy scheduals, and more young children we see the damand increase resulting in an increase of price. .
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Shawshank Redemption Argumentative Essay Example For Students
The Shawshank Redemption Argumentative Essay The Shawshank RedemptionThe Shawshank Redemption is a very unique movie which involves manydifferent personalities and underlying themes. The personalities of the inmatesare very interesting and when they are combined they create a very fascinatingplot which looks at prison life in a interesting and different perspective thanone normally thinks. The main characters are Andy Dufrense (Tim Robbins) andEliss Red Redding (Morgan Freeman). These characters are well complimented bythe wise and simple old man, Brooks (James Whitmore), and the evil warden. Thepersonalities of the Shawshank prison combined to form a sort of community. Onenever really thinks of a prison as such, but it seems to hold true. This movieshowed a prison not only as a place where murderers and thieves live, but as acommunity of people who have had problems and may or may not be rehabilitating. We will write a custom essay on The Shawshank Redemption Argumentative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It seems that some prisoners go in and accept what they have done and try tomake something of an already disastrous life while others give up and reallydont care if they commit other crimes (inside and outside of the prison). Butin all reality, the prison was home for the inmates and they made it into whatit was. The demeanor of the characters creates a very unique atmosphere. The story revolves around Andy who is convicted of murdering his wifeand her lover in 1946 and is sentenced to life in prison. He is sent to theShawshank prison, the state prison in Maine which is known for its harshness. At the beginning of the movie, one does not know if Andy committed thehorrible crime of murder. But what is known is that he is not ready for prisonand honestly doesnt seem like a man who would survive. His thinking going in isjust to survive and blend in. He knows that sticking out would not be good forhim. Throughout the movie, Andy undergoes several changes in his personality. But overall, he seems like a wise man who will deal with what the justice systemhas served him. He is normal on the outside but seems full of emotion. Hisemotional side is best put by the 4/14/95 issue of the San Francisco Chroniclewhich reads, Dufrense, a soft-spoken banker with emotions bubbling under thesurface. Andy is a very complex character but one can see that he holds hisfeelings inside of him and tries not to let people know how he feels. Andys friendship with Red begins in a peculiar way because neither of themhave anything in common. Andy asks for a rock hammer which Red gets for him. Red,knowing that Andy is vulnerable, gets him on the tar duty and seems to take himunder his wing. The friendship is very unique and they both are very energeticwith emotion. Bill Dupre of the News and Observer writes of their emotiontogether, This is a graceful, quiet characterization, and Robbins scenes withFreeman are wrought with depth, delicacy, and precision.This is where the opportunistic side of Andy begins to be evident. Afteroverhearing the guards talking, he almost risks his life to tell the guard thathe will help him keep the $30,000 that he inherited. This shows that Andy hadguts and that he wanted to survive. In return for his favor of helping the guard,he gets his fellow workers ice cold beers on the last day. It is ironic becausehe has quit drinking himself. Andy then begins to work in the library becausethe warden hear s of his talents in finance. This is where Andy first meetsBrooks. He use this opportunity to ask the state for more money to build alarger library. And finally, the way Andy escapes is almost genius. Knowing thathe is on the good side of the warden, he devises a very interesting andsuccessful plan of escape. .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .postImageUrl , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:hover , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:visited , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:active { border:0!important; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:active , .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6bca761e966b79e21206d5478911a40f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fvgdf EssayOverall, Andy blends in with the prison community through the good timesand the bad (the sisters, a group of homosexual rapists). His personality is oneof a person who makes the most of what he has. But he never loses hope that hewill be free one day. Red is a very unique character in his own right. The prisons sole blackinmate, he is the man who smuggles contraband into the prison. He is also alifer and he says that he is the only man in the prison who is guilty. He hasaccepted his fate and is dealing with the prison as his life but still tries tomake his life on the inside the best he can. Red really doesnt think much aboutbeing paroled (he is rejected several times during the movie). He just takes oneday at a time. He is determined not to let the jail system get to him. Hisfriendship with Andy becomes stronger throughout the movie from when they firstmeet until Red joins Andy in Mexico. Red is a man who knows the rights andwrongs of the prison and it seems that Andy becomes his apprentice during themovie. Overall, Red is a subtle man who tries not to be noticed. His personalityis one of perseverance and he is ready to accept what the system may deal him. Talking about the warden is difficult just for the reason that he is acruel man who represents evil and unfairness in the movie. The reason the wardentakes a liking to Andy is because Andy is an accomplished accountant who canhelp him cheat the state. The opportunistic Andy takes advantage of this byreading the Bible (to impress the warden) and basically doing what he is told. This leads to the wardens demise (trusting Andy too much) and Andys escape. The personality of the warden does not change much throughout the movie. Even if he does something nice (letting Andy help fellow inmates), his solepurpose is to profit and be in charge. He shows off his power many times and inthe cruelest way. For example, his power and cruelty can be best seen when hediscovers that the young inmates testimony may free Andy. The wardens solutionis to kill the young inmate and get the matter out of the way. Losing Andy wouldbe devastating to him. The warden basically adds the bad guy dimension to themovie. The prison had people of all ages and backgrounds (non racial). Brooks is areal old timer who had been in the prison for a very long time. He exemplified aman who had just made prison his life and he was very content with his life. Henever foresaw leaving and knew this would be his life. He didnt expect anythingout of the ordinary to happen. He seems to be a lost soul not knowing what hewants or what is right for him. His death signified his confusion. The movie gives us a perspective of a prison not really shown before. Though the movie may seem unrealistic in some ways, it is very moving and makesone think deeper about who the inmates are and what they are really like. In the4/14/95 issue of the San Francisco Chronicle it reads, As preposterous as it isappealing, The Shawshank Redemption takes a straightforward, soul stirringnovel by Stephen King and turns it into a somber, bloated prison drama designedto pump you with inspiration. This inspiration is created by the actions andwords of various characters. It is actually an inspiration to the viewer toalways have hope and pursue your goals. Red said, Hope is dangerous on theinside. He was saying that having hope could drive a man crazy but in allreality he had hope in himself. This was untrue because Brooks death signifieda lack of hope. He really had no one and the inmates were his family. Leavingthe prison was devastating and he just thought nothing of life. Red was contradictory to his own words because he ended up surviving and succeeding all be causeof the hope that he had. .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .postImageUrl , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:hover , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:visited , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:active { border:0!important; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:active , .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43 .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6732b013a08de9c9514baadb55fa4c43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ethnographic Film EssayThe personalities of the characters create an almost unreal setting whereyou see things you may not expect to see. A community of people is what themovie is about. A community which goes through good times and bad ones. But thecharacters are what makes this film so unique and so great.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Become a Shot Essay Guru
How to Become a Shot Essay Guru How to Become a Short Essay Guru It doesn’t matter what subject you have: eventually you will be asked to complete a written assignment to show professor how easily you master the topic. While homework and coursework are quite brief and straight to the point, it may be quite confusing to write an essay. When a student gets an assignment to complete a short essay, he becomes quite happy but ‘short’ doesn’t mean ‘simple’ and often becomes a bigger problem. This article aims to help you to avoid all the underwater stones and complete a short essay you can be proud of. The main challenge of a short essay is that you need to limit your ideas and arguments to a certain number of words, remaining thoughtful and deep at the same time. Below is a list of requirements, which you need to follow not depending on a type of a short essay you have to complete. Create an outline When you receive a task for the first time, especially if you need to choose a topic on your own, it is easy to get lost in a huge amount of information you have to process. In such a case, it is useful to create an outline and write down all the thoughts and ideas, which you want to include to your text. When you already know what to write about and are ready to start, don’t forget to divide your thoughts into corresponding paragraphs and parts, which will make the whole text smooth and understandable. Your short essay should consist of a one-paragraph long introduction, body of three paragraphs and a one-paragraph conclusion. Introduction When it comes to a short essay, introduction section becomes even more important, as it is usually not more than a couple of sentences long. You need to make them clear and catchy, persuading the reader to continue. The first sentence should include the main ideas of the whole paper and encourage the audience to go on reading. The last sentence should contain your thesis statement. It reflects the problem for the whole essay, which should be arguable and thought evoking. Body The main three paragraphs of your whole short essay should be devoted to the body. It contains main information on the topic, supported by evidence, various facts and credible information. Every paragraph should start with an argument or a statement, following with its supportive facts. Remember to use various constructions to make your language fluent and smooth. In addition, never forget about the formatting style, as it will significantly increase your grades. It is useful to include quotes and facts but don’t forget to properly cite them and provide credible sources. The body paragraphs should contain all the necessary facts but still be readable and smooth, not overwhelming the reader with excessive information. Conclusions The final paragraph is your chance to present the obtained results, so you need to provide all the information in a couple brief sentences, summing up your whole work. First, you need to show how the body paragraphs correspond with your thesis statement, and then make a conclusion to close the raised question. It doesn’t mean that your conclusions should represent the same thoughts. Try to offer a new outlook on the topic and promote fresh ideas. If your introduction aims to stir the interest, your conclusions should satisfy the reader and close the topic. Proofreading It doesn’t matter how great your short essay is: if it contains mistakes, you are doomed to obtain low grades and redo it all over again. Make sure you edit and proofread your essay after competing it to eliminate lexical, grammatical and orthographical mistakes. Correcting all the errors will make your essay flawless and won’t distract the reader from your thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Reasons of the speedy growing and futher problems of Indian Economic Research Paper - 1
Reasons of the speedy growing and futher problems of Indian Economic - Research Paper Example After these areas have briefly being looked at, I shall then delve closely into the major areas of discussion where I shall touch briefly on each of the following areas: i. Reasons of the speedy growing of Indian economic. ii. Further problems of India because of high speed economic growing iii. Can India exceed China economically? These two major groups of discussions shall pave way for major components of the essay to begin. Reasons for the speedy growing of Indian economy - 3 India is fast becoming a force to recon with in world economic terms. Not as before, India is more stable and growing rapidly in terms of economic growth. This of course has reasons as to every effect, there is a cause. This part of the essay shall therefore be dedicated to looking at the reasons for the speedy growing of Indian economy. To talk about the reasons, a brief background to India’s current economic status shall be given. Next, I shall dig deep into the history of Indian economy. This aspect will be very relevant because it will help readers to identify that indeed the economy of India has its own roots. The discussion of the historic background would also help in creating timelines for major achievements and events in the history of India’s economy. ... World history has it that there are nations who once had very graceful economies. Their gross domestic product grew at rapid rate, their inflationary rates where always down and the rate of their currencies were forces to recon with. However with time, due to poor economic management and because factors or reasons that led to their economic growth were not sustained. It is against this backdrop that this aspect of the essay shall not only consider the reasons for the speedy economic growth but also ways of sustaining the growth. Further problems of India because of high speed economic growing – 4 There is no denying the fact that there is an effect – positive and negative for that matter to every situation. Even though it is a good thing that India’s economy should develop at a very speedy rate, this comes not only with positive repercussions but negative ones as well. This part of the essay shall therefore be a progress of the previous aspect, which was on the r easons for the speedy growing of Indian economy. Three major problems that are likely to affect India’s economy as a result of its current economic growth shall be treated. The problems shall not just be stated but stated with possible solutions. The problems to be looked at would include: i. Unlawful migration to India – (The Indian Analyst, HVK ii. Taking advantage of booming economy to become the hub of counterfeit, low quality and fake products. – (The Lancet, Democratic Underground iii. Pressure from dependant nations – (The Economic Times, The Economic Times These problems have carefully being chosen because there are enough proofs that the problems have affected other countries that have attained economic growth and freedom. In worse cases,
Monday, February 3, 2020
A Reflection on Dads Old Cottage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Reflection on Dads Old Cottage - Essay Example The few daffodils at the entrance smile at me. The leaves and the remaining trees, as well as everything in the surrounding, would have probably loved to be heard as to the events that have often taken place. At the same time, I felt it was also the time for everything in the surrounding to listen to me pour out the nostalgic feelings that filled me; how just the other day we lived in the structure with dad, mommy and my sisters and how things have changed beyond the point of no return. At the door, I am welcome by the woodpecker, which takes a flight. As the door opens, it seems to it cannot mince the joy of meeting one of its masters again, as evidenced by the production of screech sounds by the hinges. As I get in, I find the building inclusions smiling at me. The pictures on the wall, the furniture, the falling ceiling seem to be saying ‘son, welcome back. We have never missed you’. It is a place that one would love to stay in. I take a walk around to explore the ful l feelings. I rediscover the other part of this world. I discern that the structure stands isolated at the end of the ranch. The structure is now old seems to be on the final stages of its life. By looking at the structure, one can derive a lot of unpleasant memories. The remaining trees and few stumps do not seem to be moved by the unfolding events. As walk, my feet interact with the dried leaves that seem to give unwelcoming sound. Even the few daffodils at the entrance can only be described as lonely and displaced. The woodpecker has taken over the cottage door and takes a scary flight. As I open the door, it is apparent the hinges were hardly prepared to see me again. As I come to face with what is in the building, everything, including the pictures on the wall, the furniture and the falling ceiling seem to be lamenting on why I had forsaken them. The only smell is that of the decomposing woods and memories.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Evaluation Impact On Financial Operations Cadburys And Kraft Marketing Essay
Evaluation Impact On Financial Operations Cadburys And Kraft Marketing Essay Choosing the Topic After completion of all my fundamental papers in August 2010, I waited till the next session to decide to submit a research and analysis project for the Oxford Brooke University. The reason for such delay was the pressure to complete three professional papers in December session. This report is also important to me because I believe by having combination of both Profession qualification and a degree will uplift my career. To base my project on ACCA provided me with a list of 20 recommended topics to choose from. After reading through the list, the topic that immediately attracted my attention was topic 19 which was The financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another. What attracted me the most about this topic was that, it was all very relevant to my studies as I am thinking to pursue financial management after ACCA. I knew this topic will allow me to try out and learn the all important, analytical skills. Other reason to choose this topic was the much talked about acquisition of KRAFT and Cadbury therefore it encouraged me to choose this topic. Another reason was availability of the vast amount of information through the internet and press release because of recent release of Krafts recent fourth quarter in the month on February 2011. Choosing the organisation Once I chose my topic, I had to choose an organisation to base my research on. I chose Kraft and Cadbury for my analysis; it was an obvious choice as this was the acquisition that impelled me to select this topic. This was one of the most controversial and largest takeovers in the year of 2010. I believed the takeover by the 2nd Largest Food Giants in its industry would accomplish the objective I had in mind for the project. Aims Objectives The main objective of this report is to evaluate the consequences of the acquisition on the finance and operations aspect of KRAFT FOODS. The financial statements by themselves only provide the quantitative data which need to be analysed by drawn graphs. The main focus of this report, therefore, is as follows: To analyse the reasons for Kraft to make a strategic choice of acquiring Cadbury and whether it satisfy the strategic fit as claimed by the CEO of KRAFT FOODS in terms of financial and business operations. The second part of the research aims to analyse whether Kraft is on the track to achieve its targets it promised its stakeholders at the time of acquisition. Since financial information wasnt sufficient for my research, I need to review the strategic decisions made by Kraft for its subsidiary Cadbury after the acquisition along with the friction identified while integrating both business. The anticipated future of Cadbury under Kraft Group. In order to achieve the aims mentioned above, I have done qualitative analysis using SFE (Suitability, Feasibility Acceptability) and Ashridge model along with quantitative analysis using financial ratios and linking both to get an overall picture. THE ORGANISTAION Company Profile Kraft Kraft Foods is the worlds second largest food company headquartered in North Field, Illinois manufactures and market packaged food products, including biscuits, confectionery, beverages, cheese, convenient meals and various packaged and grocery products.( KRAFT FOODS INC, 2009)The business was formed by James L. Kraft and his four brothers who began by wholesaling door to door cheese business in Chicago. Kraft then achieved growth by merging with other companies and increases the size of the business by expanding more product lines.( Wikimedia Foundation,2011) Being listed on NYSE, Kraft now has approximately 127,000 employees worldwide. Kraft sells products to consumer in approximately 170 countries. At 31 December 2010, Kraft had operations in more than 75 countries and made products at 223 manufacturing and processing facilities worldwide. Kraft portfolio included eleven brands with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion each: Oreo, Nabisco and LU biscuits; Milka and Cadbury chocolates; Trident gum; Jacobs and Maxwell House coffees; Philadelphia cream cheeses; Kraft cheeses, dinners and dressings; and Oscar Mayer meats. Kraft portfolio included approximately 70 brands which each generate annual revenues of more than $100 million. (KRAFT FOODS INC, 2010) Cadbury Cadbury was a leading global independent business in the exciting world of confectionery, a large, growing, brand-led industry. With an outstanding portfolio of chocolate, gum and candy brands, the largest emerging markets business and a focused and experienced team, Cadbury is committed to its long-term vision to be the worlds biggest and best confectionery company. Cadbury operated in more than 60 countries with a workforce of 46000. (Cadbury, 2008) Cadbury made its beginning by opening one single shop by John Cadbury. As time progressed John Cadbury moved into the manufacturing of drinking chocolate and cocoa. Cadbury grew bigger through some organic growth and some mergers. During the first world war Cadbury started to achieve great success, its products were regarded as necessities and Cadbury were at their peak. Cadbury kept investing in technology, new factories and in new products to remain ahead of competition. With factories all over the world and a host of well known brand names it has become a household name in many countries. (Birminghamuk, (n.d.)) INFORMATION GATHERING Sources of Data Data can be collected for any research by the following ways: Primary Research: Under primary research new information is collected via interviews, survey or questionnaire etc; hence information is collected first hand. Secondary Research: Also known as Desk Research is gathered from information which has already been provided but may not be for the same purpose. Such information are easy to access and are my cheaper than carrying out primary research. Such information gathered should be analysed and screened properly so that it fits for the purpose. Kraft and Cadbury both being listed companies although listed in different countries were required to issue annual accounts for its stakeholders by Sarbanes Oxley and Companies House respective. These companies especially Kraft issued Interim Reports as per the stock list requirement. Therefore much of the quantitative and qualitative date was readily available for analysis. Hence I chose to use secondary data over primary. The only complication I faced apart from time pressure was obtaining latest financial information for Cadbury (2009 accounts). Fortunately Kraft public relation team co-operated and emailed me 2008 and 2009 Cadbury annual accounts on my request. The following are the sources of secondary information I used for my project: Annual and Interim Financial Accounts and Reports This is the main source I used for financial aspect of my business and to draw graphs. I had to use interim reports even to demonstrate impact of Cadbury acquisition on Kraft at each and every quarter due to complexity of the business. Krafts annual accounts were available to view and download on Krafts Investors Website. However Cadbury financial statement isnt easily available. Internet This is the source of limitless information; hence it took me a lot of time to extract information which was relative to the point. Firstly it provided me the qualitative information which was missing or less in the financial statement of both entities. Secondly it also provided me information from a third party or neutral point of view. Letters and Reports Under this source, I analyzed the documents sent by Kraft to Cadbury management or reports addressed to Kraft shareholder explaining them the strategic fit of Cadbury acquisition. These documents were available over the internet. Library I used study text published by Kaplan for ACCA to brush my skills and be of aid when I got confused during an analysis phase. Apart from my course books I visited local library for reference books. As I mentioned earlier I didnt had an opportunity to visit British Library for the access of database such as Datamonitor and Mintel. However I was able to get access to Euromonitor through internet and used it as a tool to aid understanding of the application of analytical tools regarding acquisition and both the entities. Data Collection Methods Its easy to collect data, but skills are required to make sense of data and using it for the purpose. It was a fiddly job to collect reliable authentic information to base my reports on. Any negligence on my behalf may cause me a failure in achieving the report objectives. I was cautious and took my time to read through all the information once before starting with my project. As this acquisition was of the biggest acquisition in the year 2010, too much was written by the newspapers and media about it. Reading about the merger in 2011 gave me this idea to do a project on Kraft and Cadbury, as Kraft were about to issue its fourth quarter results. I started my data collection by reading articles from local newspapers as well as papers or journal published in other counties. I viewed them retrospectively. The most prominent newspaper I viewed was Financial Times, Guardian, Reuters, Wall Street Journal and Economists. After I got a general idea behind the acquisition and critics claiming the acquisition as a failure. I downloaded the fourth quarter as well as annual report. I need to know what did CEO responded on the acquisition as it had been a year. Then I looked at financial data provided to support any statement by the CEO. Internet provided me great deal of help in my project. I type in the keywords such as Cadbury Kraft in etc at . Find the relevant articles and making notes as well as bookmarks of the WebPages if I needed to read it again for qualitative part of my research. I even visited many libraries in my local areas; the librarian helped me by giving me advice on referencing as I had no idea on references. Unfortunately I couldnt make a trip to British Library to access database which could help me in my project. But I was pretty content with the amount of information I already collected to carry out my analysis. Referencing I have used the HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEM for the referencing in my research and to aid readability, I have cited the source below the paragraph if the whole paragraphs were written based on the same single source. Acquisition for Kraft Pre Acquisition To systematic analyse the strategic choice by Kraft to acquire Cadbury, I will be using Johnson and Scholes framework (Suitability, Feasibility and Acceptability Model). (Wu, 2010) Suitability Kraft Foods Inc. being the second largest food company still looks for opportunities to grow and try to remain one of the market leaders in the industry and and to spread risk by a diversified portfolio. Kraft believes in rapid expansion by acquiring other businesses. Kraft adopted new strategy implemented by new CEO who believed low growth segment should be disposed of and adopt those strategies that will achieve rapid growth even by means of acquisition .Kraft will look for businesses that will build on its strengths and guide against its threats. Kraft has a successful track record of acquiring iconic brands and businesses and effectively using it for its expansion. We will be using one of the criteria of Ashridge model under suitability. Under Ashridge model we will be examining two criteria; whether Kraft has sufficient skills, resources and understanding of the Cadbury business and whether there are opportunities for helping to achieve critical success factors. (Steiner, 2009) Source: Euromonitor One key reason for Kraft to acquire Cadbury was to penetrate in those growing markets where Cadbury has good base such as China, India and Mexico. Brands such as Cadbury Dairy Milk dominated such markets by a vast length compared to its rivals. Cadbury did receive 40% of its revenue from fast growing emerging market. Cadburys acquisition of Adams played a vital role to increase their market share in Latin America. Cadbury has experienced 12% growth in revenue in emerging market over five years (EUROMONITOR, 2008) this can be beneficial for Kraft as it intends to use Cadbury s distribution network to sell its brands. (Cadbury, 2008) (Cadbury, 2009a) Kraft being aware of Cadbury s heritage and its strong confectionery business ranking and its iconic brands makes Cadbury globally number one in chocolate, gum and candy. By attaining all these eponymous brands Kraft will become a global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery and quick meals with exceptional portfolio of leading brands in the world. Hence will be one step closer in achieving organic growth objective. Feasibility Under feasibility we would evaluate Krafts position before acquisition in terms of internal resources of the organization this can even be connected to Ashridge s model criteria of possessing sufficient resource by Predator Company. Kraft being second largest business in its industry has huge cash reserve which reflects in its Cash flow Statements of 2008 and 2009 ($1.24 billion and 2.10 billion respectively). Buts its worth mentioning the disposal of Krafts North American Pizza to Nestle for total consideration of $3.7 billion contributed majorly to its high cash reserve. High cash reserve helps them to with acquisition cost and integration cost and any other abnormal cost. Apart from cash reserve Kraft does have reasonable current ratio of 1.04 reflecting its above average liquidity position then its peers. Although Cadbury has a strong hold on overall emerging markets Kraft have a greater position in some markets such as Brazil and Russia. As Kraft being a huge conglomerate busine ss it has vast amount of resources in terms of specialist staff, a highly invested research and development teams and finance etc to back up Cadbury to face competition from other rivals such as Hershey and Mars. Kraft can eve use its power over major supermarket chains such Wal-Mart to increase shelf value of Cadbury as majority of its sales come from small convenient store. Kraft is even able to promote Cadbury heritage brand more rigorously due to available of immense resources. It would be worth mentioning the fact that billion dollar Kraft empire has been experiencing an average growth of impressive 5 % over period of four years to 2008 (where it achieved 13% growth than previous year).(Daltorio, 2009) Acceptability To carry on with a strategic choice it also need to be acceptable by the stake holders. As shareholders are key stakeholders their consent is highly important. Although Kraft assured them the acquisition would result in increase in shareholders wealth as it fits in into its business culture, some shareholders have different opinion. One of the reasons for such conflict of interests is the fear of increase in companys gearing. By 2008 Kraft had a high gearing of 1.34 (ratio) compare to its rival Nestle of (0.36). They fear by acquiring Cadbury, Kraft would issue more long-term debt that may adversely affect the gearing ratio and hence increasing the financial risk of the business and affecting the capability of paying out dividends, hence damaging shareholders interest. The other reason for conflict of interest was the reaction from one of the biggest shareholders Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway who regarded the acquisition as bad deal .He believed Kraft has overvalued Cadbury fo r purchase consideration and the disposal of pizza business to Nestle for $3.7 billion was a mistake. He firmly believed Kraft is paying high premium for the acquisition. One shareholders view didnt affected Krafts strategic choice and Kraft went ahead with the acquisition despite got rejected first time. (Barr, 2010) Ballast Businesses *CADBURY* Heartland Businesses Alien Business Value trap Business Skills Opportunity Low High High According to my analysis I think Kraft values Cadbury as Heartland Business as Kraft has the skills to exploit opportunities from Cadbury. (UNDER ASHRIDGE MODEL) ACQUISITION for Kraft The long clashing 5 month battle between Cadbury and Kraft was finally over on 2nd February 2010 as Kraft clinches control over Cadbury by 72% holding. Kraft then took total control of Cadbury on June 2010. Cadbury shareholders had a deadline of 2nd February to accept Kraft offer of 500 pence in cash for each Cadbury share and 0.1874 new Kraft shares for each Cadbury share which altogether values each Cadbury share at 840 pence including a special 10 pence dividend. This sums up the total valuation of Cadbury business to approximate of  £11.9 Billion ($19.4 Billion). Kraft offered this purchase price on 19th of January after a long negotiation with Cadbury management. Kraft tried to make hostile takeover on 7th September by a bid worth 300 pence in cash and 0.2589 new Kraft shares for each Cadbury share (valuing it 745 pence a share). However Cadbury rejected the bid immediately and regarded it derisory. Kraft sweetened the bid by raising the original offer and increasing the cash component from 40% to 60% to make it more appealing for Cadbury shareholders. (Cimlluca et al, 2010) have extracted this graph from Thomson Reuters to illustrate the impact on the share price for both involved parties after the announcement of take-over. We notice an increase of almost 40% in the market value of Cadbury. The increase in Cadburys share price was triggered by the initial announcement by Kraft of its intention to take over Cadbury in early September of 2009. The announcement was received well by Cadbury Shareholders causing an increase in demand and thereby price of the stock. However we see a fall in the share price of Kraft food at the time announcement (graph below), some analysts believe this was due to Warren Buffet dissatisfaction of Kraft Acquisition. He regarded the acquisition as bad deal, which caused chaos amongst other shareholder hence a price falls. This price fall deteriorated the purchase price offered by Kraft which was immediately rejected by Roger Carr, Chairmen of Cadbury. http://graphics.thom (Wiggins, 2009) Source: Digital Look(Munya , 2010) KEY POINTS FOR FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Kraft foods acquired Cadbury plc in February2 2010. Hence Cadbury results are restricted to 10 months rather than full 12 years and its subject to fluctuate with moving exchange rates. Cadbury data was adjusted from IFRS (previously applied by Independent Cadbury) to U.S GAAP followed by its new Parent Kraft Foods Inc. Cadbury previous years figures couldnt be compared with unless comparison is made in percentile due to the size difference of both businesses. Kraft even revised its Net Revenue retrospectively 2009 onwards.Post Acquisition Financial Perspective The above graph represents s the growth and decline in sales over a period of 4 years by means of percentage. The 2010 information contains data post acquisition, specifically contribution from Cadbury of $9143 that has been converted using the exchange rate of $1.595 per  £1.00 for the aid of analysis. It can clearly be noted the reason why Cadbury was so desirable by Kraft. Cadbury attained significant growth from 2007. In June 2007 Cadbury introduced their Vision into Action plan which insisted in strengthening their position in emerging market. This strategy was immediately effective and can be reflected in the graph. As stated earlier in this research report one of the key reasons for Kraft to acquire Cadbury was their better position in emerging market as compared to Kraft. Although Cadbury has just been acquired for 11 months under Kraft we see a marginal fall of 4% in Cadbury sales than its preceding years. This maybe because Kraft maybe getting acquainted to Cadburys opera tion and network hence not utilizing Cadburys full potential. (Cadbury, 2009a) This graph explains what did Krafts CEO meant by GLOBAL POWER HOUSE. If we examine the two graphs we see a change in the revenue from developing and North American markets. The main reason for Kraft to takeover Cadbury was to derive maximum benefit of Cadburys strong hold in emerging market. Although Kraft is one of the largest companies in food industry it drives more than 57% of its revenue from its Home Market US. As US market is experiencing economic recession Kraft needed to adopt an effective strategy to broaden its operations globally. Hence Cadbury looked more attractive from Krafts perspective. Its worth mentioning that Cadbury earns more than 40% from the fast emerging markets portraying its position being better than Kraft.. It should be taken into consideration that fact that Kraft hasnt launched any new aggressive marketing scheme or any strategic step via Cadbury in emerging markets. In 2010 Kraft has continued to run Cadbury operation without making any major changes. Talking quantitatively Cadbury boosted Krafts net revenue in emerging markets by $3382 million which can be seen clearly in the graph at the bottom. Krafts strengths in Russia, Brazil and China along with Cadbury great position in United Kingdom, India and Mexico has spread its revenue source which has reduce the risk of a recession affecting Krafts sales .By acquiring Cadbury Kraft enhanced its distribution channel which became effective in the first year of acquisition and clearly be seen in the 2010 net revenue segments. In 2010 revenue from US market contributed less than 50% to Total Net Revenue minimizing the business risk driven by recession. (Farrell et al, 2010) The above illustrated graphs represent the change in Krafts revenue source after the acquisition of Cadbury. Krafts adopt a rational approach and pursue the strategy of selling off less profitable brands and achieving quick growth by acquisition. Kraft faced fierce competition from private label companies in the cheese and packaged meat market. Therefore Kraft acquired Cadbury to diverse its revenue source as there were dangers of fall in revenue from its main segments. There is an increase of 16% in the contribution made by confectionery segment. This segment is a high potential growth segment and Kraft would like diverse its business risk by investing more in promotion of this segment. (Trefis, 2011) The Gross margin shows the amount of gross profit generated by the company as a percentage of the sales revenue. Kraft Gross Profit Margin has been plotted against each quarter from 2009. It can be analyzed by the graph that Kraft tried to maintain its Gross Profit Margin in mid 30s percentile despite economic downturn in US market and increase in raw materials Kraft is able to maintain its objective, the main grounds for such level gross profit margin was the acquisition. By acquiring Cadbury Kraft has widen its distribution network as Cadburys main selling networks are convenient stores open on High Street therefore reach of every individual. Talking in respect on cost of sales (100 Gross Profit Margin) Kraft will benefit from economies of scale especially regarding purchases as Kraft will be bulk buying and using Cadbury suppliers rationally to minimise cost of sales as possible. (Szalai, 2011) Net Profit Margin is an indicator of profitability, calculated as net income or net profit divided by net revenue. As shown by the graph, we see a downward trend in the net profit margin against each quarter in 2010.Despite the fact that there has been a 27% increase in Net Revenue in 2010 as compared to its preceding year, we notice a fall of 23% in net profit especially in the fourth quarters of 2009 and 2010 ($711m and $547 respectively. However in aggregate there has been an increase in the net profit from 2009. The major reason for such deteriorates result for the fourth quarter was the cost associated with integration between Kraft and Cadbury. The pizza business of Kraft did contributed to the net profit in 2009 , by the sale of its pizza business to Nestle ,Kraft has deprived itself from the positive contribution of its disposal component.(BBC, 2011) The Prime objective of making investment in any business is to obtain satisfactory return on capital invested. Hence, the return on capital employed is used as a measure of success of a business in realizing this objective. Return on capital employed establishes the relationship between the profit and the capital employed. It is used to show the overall profitability and efficiency of the business. By analysing we see a fall in return on capital employed although the sales and net profit overall has increased however it hasnt increased by the proportion of investment made by KRAFT FOOD. As Mr. Warren Buffet feared that Kraft did overpay for the acquisition this can be reflected in diminish of return on capital employed. I have also included a graph showing fall in earning per share that illustrate the point of less return for the investors this maybe due to issue of new share to Cadbury shareholders. (Wilson , 2010) I have included this graph in my research report especially to breakdown the positive and negative contribution made by Cadbury to Kraft operating income in 2010 as compared to Kraft in 2009. As announced by CEO of Kraft Foods, Kraft is highly likely to expect $1 billion in incremental revenue synergies apart from $750 million in cost saving by 2013. In order to achieve the synergies Kraft has budgeted to spend $1.5 billion in the first three years following the acquisition to combine and integrate the two businesses and already incurred $657 million in 2010. As stated in Kraft Annual Account 2010, Kraft incurred and expensed transaction related fees of $218 millions in 2010 and $40 million in 2009.Kraft has recorded the mentioned costs under selling, general and administrative expenses in Profit and Loss Statement (Statement of Comprehensive income). However in the above graphs include figures which has been given in the Kraft 2010 annual accounts analysis of operating profit rather than actual incurred cost as some cost have been taken under finance cost which hasnt been included in arriving at operating profit for 2010. This seems a draw back in the acquisition objecti ve and maybe criticizes by its stakeholders as integration cost has reduced Krafts earning by 33%. (BBC, 2011) Liquidity ratio expresses a companys ability to repay short-term creditors out of its total cash. The liquidity ratio is the result of dividing the total cash by short-term borrowings. This Graph represents the two liquidity ratio one normal current ratio and another quick test ratio. Unlike Current ratio, quick ratio focus on the most liquid assets hence it exempt inventory from current asset while calculating ratio. Some of the key points that need to be addressed before analysis of the graph are the disposal of the pizza business and all the working capital relating to it. We should also account for the current assets and current liabilities acquired by Kraft such as Net Receivable of $ 1333 m and Accounts Payable of $ 1605 m etc. Another point to be mentioned is that while calculating Quick ratio I havent excluded the deferred tax asset, while some analyst exclude deferred tax asset as they dont regard it liquid. We see a significant difference between both ratios as inventory has occupied much of the working capital. Comparing it to the last year it is almost consistent with the growing sales. We notice a slight deterioration in both the ratio of 2010. The $3.7 billion cash raised by disposal of the pizza business was used to pay cash component of the acquisition. The rise in the actually figure is in line with the growing and diverse sales (Kraft Foods Inc, 2010) Gearing Ratio is a measure of financial leverage, demonstrating the degree to which a firms activities are funded by owners funds versus creditors funds (investopedia).The above graph represents how much company has borrowed compare to equity raised by KRAFT FOODS. Kraft had issued a long term debt of $9.379 billion (net proceeds) to support the cash component of Cadbury of acquisition along with proceeds from Pizza Business. Kraft even made a repayment $2.1 billion of long term debt during the year. This has increased the total debt of the business from $18990 million to $28724 Million. Kraft has also issued 262 million shares to existing Cadbury shareholder as part of purchase consideration. This has enlarged Krafts share capital affecting the gearing ratio. By taking into consideration the above mentioned circumstances, we see an increase in the gearing ratio of 7%. This may cause some concerns amongst shareholders and lenders of Kraft as the financial risk of the business has increased as more interest will be paid from the profits available to pay dividends to shareholders. (Tradition Financial Concept.). This may even damage the creditability of KRAFT FOOD in lenders market as it has borrowed 80% to Equity, hence it may be charged high interest rate by the lenders in future. (Kraft Foods Inc, 2010) (Hoskins, 2010) Interest cover is a measure of the adequacy of a companys profits relative to interest payments on its debt. This ratio will help to explain the previously mentioned financial due to increase in gearing. Due to the increase in leverage we see a fall of 0.94 in interest cover which means there would be less profit available for dividends. This maybe is one of the reasons why Warren Buffet (one of the major shareholder in Kraft) reduced its stake from 9% to 6%. The ratio is over 2 which is considered strong by analyst and reflects Krafts strong position in borrowers market. However Fitch, one of reputed credit rating agency, has downgraded the default rating on both companies to BBB-. However its rivals havent downgraded the rating as yet but our reviewing if they should follow their peers. Flitch has downgraded the rating due to anticipated increase in financial leverage of the combined Kraft/Cadbury. (Peters et al, 2010) Operational Changes Post Acquisition The significant changes in operations along with their impact on KRAFT FOOD GROUP as a whole: Closure of Somerdale factory Days after acquisition Kraft announced the closure of Cadbury factory in Bristol. During the acquisition struggle, Kraft pledged to retain Somerdale Factory. The announcements created a chaos amongst Cadbury workforce and British Unite trade union as 400 employees were being made redundant. It would be worth mentioning; Cadbury prior to its acquisition (in year 2007) had already announced the closure of its Somerdale factory as they had invested more than  £100million in the production plant in Poland to be cost effective. However at the time of acquisition Kraft assured Cadbury stakeholders that it will keep the Somerdale factory running. Kraft tried to justify the closure by stating that they made a genuine attempt to keep it running but its irrevocable. This had a negative impact on the motivation of 5400 Cadbury employees working United Kingdom as they feared less job security .Kraft faced high criticism from British media which lead to boycot
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