Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Leadership Objectives And Needs Of The West Texas Fire
The leadership objectives and needs of the West Texas Fire Department (WTFD) differ from those of the West Fertilizer Company (WFC). For the WFC, the goal is not based upon employees performing beyond their own expectations; thus, they are provided a structured environment in which they are evaluated on the ability to perform assigned tasks. No more, or no less. In emergency response, firefighters will always be challenged to go above and beyond the call of duty. Because of the challenge to constantly increase firefighter performance, the WTFD should implement a transformational leadership plan. A transformation leader is one who stimulates and inspires subordinates to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins and Coulter, 2007). This†¦show more content†¦Individualized consideration involves the process of identifying and supporting the needs of subordinates (Alyn, n.d.). In addition to organizational goals, leaders seek to help followers meet individual goals (Alyn, n.d .). Intellectual stimulation encourages followers to challenge processes and the status quo (Alyn, n.d.). They are equipped to do this through training and other tools required through the problem-solving process (Alyn, n.d.). This empowers the individual to make decisions on their own. This skill is particularly important for firefighters who may not have the luxury to turn to a leader during critical moments of incident response. Lastly, inspirational motivation is the degree to which a leader articulates a vision that is appealing to subordinates and inspires them in a positive way about future goals, and tasks (Ifeanyi and Odumeru, 2013). One major deficiency of the WTFD is the lack of expertise within the department. West firefighters arrived at the WFC incident without being equipped with the knowledge or skills to make sound decisions. As part of intellectual stimulation, the very first thing the WTFD leadership should implement is training. Training should not be confi ned to a single aspect of emergency response, as firefighters will face a variety of situations. That said, initial training should encompass the hazards of the local community given its neglect (to includeShow MoreRelatedAfghanistan Of The Soviet Union1499 Words  | 6 Pageswithout war. Beginning around 326 B.C. with the conquests of Alexander the Great, to the Persians, British, Russians and most recently, America and our NATO allies, Afghanistan has been cultivated into the country that it is today through a trial by fire. Regardless of this relentless onslaught of foreign military power, the Afghan people have tirelessly defended their homeland with no outside power ever being able to subdue them completely. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
What You Need to Know About Essay Topics about Pollution
What You Need to Know About Essay Topics about Pollution Buying pollution essays is an issue of a couple of seconds. Water is among the best natural resources of the entire humanity. Academic papers cannot contain any signals of plagiarism. You might have to specify the form of your custom made essay on pollution, page count, formatting and style requirements, together with deadline. Folks just need to get informed over this subject and changes will occur. The revisions are completely free! Therefore, many students and employees decide to get inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the majority of our clients require is essay writing. You could also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. In case you're dissatisfied with the last research, we'll discuss further additional options including reassigning the purchase and returning money back. Additionally, a customer may ask the writer to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask them to make corrections. Inevitably, negative facets of rural tourism are evident too. It is a part of entertainment industry. In some areas, it provides the main source of income and employment, as well as providing social and economic benefits. Rural tourism is basically an activity which occurs in the rural locations. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! Our crew of expert writers is well experienced and extremely knowledgeable. The significant challenges are the need to carry on the environment and natural resources and the demand for appropriate education. More than that, the issue ought to be resolved on an international level by the united efforts of the international community. Vital Pieces of Essay Topics about Pollution Some individuals have ability to keep fitness by themselves however some need a good qualified personal trainer to look after the everyday exercises and diet. Millions people all around the world spend their holidays travelling. The majority of the typical men and women never realize the value of being healthy and fit. Environmental pollution is just one of the biggest problems brought on by human activities that we need to overcome to observe a tomorrow and guarantee our descendants a nutritious life. Reduced quality of water sources can be avoided by decreasing the quantity of waste from industries. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. There are two sorts of air pollution sources that are natural sources and man-made sources. After learning the damaging effects of pollution, an individual must get on the job of preventing or reducing pollution after possible. Effects of pollution There are quite a few effects which can be credited to pollution. Further, it impacts the health leading to respiratory diseases, cancers and other difficulties. It isn't just the lack of illness, diseases or infirmity. As an example, pollution may not be fully controlled with the present population. In the end, soil pollution is an excellent concern to food security. Environmental pollution takes place when pollutants contaminate the organic surroundings. Over time, it has been connected to various types of cancer. In order to talk about the effects it would be important to deal with each type of pollution and after that talk about the effects of that type of pollution There are several forms and forms of pollution that influence the surroundings. We've compiled a list of the best twenty of these intriguing essay topics to help you decide on the perfect one.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Forming A Strategic Alliance †Free Sample - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: 1.Explain theissues, challenges, or disadvantages to forming a strategic alliance. Give an example to provide a context to your discussion. Answer: For growing as an organisation and prospering with each passing year, there is a necessity to find innovative and creative strategies to expand and penetrate into new markets. Strategic alliance relationships have grabbed the attention of business analysts in recent times as it serves as a tool for both parties involved to increase the capital and brand awareness without experiencing negative financial impact. Like most business strategic tools, there are certain issues or challenges involved with a strategic alliance that is to be discussed herein. Strategic alliances come with some significant difficulties, the most important one being the fact that one party handling all the business internally might now have to rely on a second party. If the other party has some hidden agendas, the project might suffer. For example, a party might have hidden agendas related to profit extraction and might show hide the actual cost and profit details. Collateral damage would arise in such cases that can also lead to possible career derailment for employees. All companies, big or small, have difficulties while carrying out their first strategic alliance venture due to loss of control. The decision-making process is usually difficult when a multi-dimensional approach is required. The potential challenges pertaining to strategic alliances include selecting the right partners, upholding honesty and trust, and proper reassessment of the alliance. Negotiating the parameters that describe these aspects is critical. An organisation entering into a strategic alliance for the very first time has to be mentally prepared for the control issues. Simultaneously, an organisation entering into an alliance with a first timer has to be patient and show professionalism (Jones and George). References Jones, Gareth, and Jennifer George.Contemporary management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2015.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Planning and responding to large scale disasters
Nowadays, private sector is not prepared properly for dealing with the large scale disasters. There is an agency, FEMA, which is responsible for dealing with such disasters, however, it is neither designed nor resourced and authorized for such events. Leonard and Howitt (2006) point to the fact that the modern US legal sphere does not have enough regulatory aspects which could allow the government to construct the agency with could perform the role of the company which is to deal with disasters.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Planning and responding to large scale disasters specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The absence of the infrastructure is another issue. Having a plan for dealing with disasters, it is not â€Å"a functioning, practiced, operable system†(Leonard Howitt, 2006, p. 3). To make sure that private sector is properly incorporated into planning and responding to large scale disasters, the age ncies should identify and assess risks, estimate capability requirements, build and sustain capabilities, and plan to deliver those, and finally reviewing and updating stages. All these activities completed at the level of the private sector are helpful in organizing their work (DHS, 2011). Trying to incorporate the private sector including commercial entities, non-governmental or volunteer organizations, and individual citizens into planning and responding to large scale disasters, government should increase the informing part and provide practices how to deal in emergency situations. Each company in the private sector should crate the department or define a person who is responsible for safety. Individuals should protect their lives by means of being informed about the activities they are to do while emergency. Even though government pays much time to dealing terrorism and other disasters, private sector is not ready for large problems. Reference List Carafano, J. J. (2003). Prepa ring responders to respond: the challenges to emergency preparedness in the 21st century: The heritage foundation. Web. DHS. (2007). National Preparedness Goal, pp. 1-A-2. Web. DHS. (2008). National Incident Management System (NIMS), pp. 1-8. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More DHS. (2011). National Preparedness System, pp. 1-7. Web. Leonard, H. B., Howitt, A. M. (2006). Katrina as prelude: Preparing for and responding to future Katrina-class disturbances in the United Statesâ€â€Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee, March 8, 2006. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 3, 1-20. The White House. (2011). Presidential policy directive (PPD)-8: National preparedness. Web. Waugh, W. L. (2004). Terrorism, homeland security and the national emergency management network. Public Organization Review, 3(4), 373-385. This essay on Planning and responding to large scale disasters was written and submitted by user Brayden Meadows to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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