Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Leadership Objectives And Needs Of The West Texas Fire
The leadership objectives and needs of the West Texas Fire Department (WTFD) differ from those of the West Fertilizer Company (WFC). For the WFC, the goal is not based upon employees performing beyond their own expectations; thus, they are provided a structured environment in which they are evaluated on the ability to perform assigned tasks. No more, or no less. In emergency response, firefighters will always be challenged to go above and beyond the call of duty. Because of the challenge to constantly increase firefighter performance, the WTFD should implement a transformational leadership plan. A transformation leader is one who stimulates and inspires subordinates to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins and Coulter, 2007). This†¦show more content†¦Individualized consideration involves the process of identifying and supporting the needs of subordinates (Alyn, n.d.). In addition to organizational goals, leaders seek to help followers meet individual goals (Alyn, n.d .). Intellectual stimulation encourages followers to challenge processes and the status quo (Alyn, n.d.). They are equipped to do this through training and other tools required through the problem-solving process (Alyn, n.d.). This empowers the individual to make decisions on their own. This skill is particularly important for firefighters who may not have the luxury to turn to a leader during critical moments of incident response. Lastly, inspirational motivation is the degree to which a leader articulates a vision that is appealing to subordinates and inspires them in a positive way about future goals, and tasks (Ifeanyi and Odumeru, 2013). One major deficiency of the WTFD is the lack of expertise within the department. West firefighters arrived at the WFC incident without being equipped with the knowledge or skills to make sound decisions. As part of intellectual stimulation, the very first thing the WTFD leadership should implement is training. Training should not be confi ned to a single aspect of emergency response, as firefighters will face a variety of situations. That said, initial training should encompass the hazards of the local community given its neglect (to includeShow MoreRelatedAfghanistan Of The Soviet Union1499 Words  | 6 Pageswithout war. Beginning around 326 B.C. with the conquests of Alexander the Great, to the Persians, British, Russians and most recently, America and our NATO allies, Afghanistan has been cultivated into the country that it is today through a trial by fire. Regardless of this relentless onslaught of foreign military power, the Afghan people have tirelessly defended their homeland with no outside power ever being able to subdue them completely. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
What You Need to Know About Essay Topics about Pollution
What You Need to Know About Essay Topics about Pollution Buying pollution essays is an issue of a couple of seconds. Water is among the best natural resources of the entire humanity. Academic papers cannot contain any signals of plagiarism. You might have to specify the form of your custom made essay on pollution, page count, formatting and style requirements, together with deadline. Folks just need to get informed over this subject and changes will occur. The revisions are completely free! Therefore, many students and employees decide to get inexpensive essay rather than writing it themselves. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the majority of our clients require is essay writing. You could also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. In case you're dissatisfied with the last research, we'll discuss further additional options including reassigning the purchase and returning money back. Additionally, a customer may ask the writer to submit part of the job for review and, if needed, ask them to make corrections. Inevitably, negative facets of rural tourism are evident too. It is a part of entertainment industry. In some areas, it provides the main source of income and employment, as well as providing social and economic benefits. Rural tourism is basically an activity which occurs in the rural locations. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! Our crew of expert writers is well experienced and extremely knowledgeable. The significant challenges are the need to carry on the environment and natural resources and the demand for appropriate education. More than that, the issue ought to be resolved on an international level by the united efforts of the international community. Vital Pieces of Essay Topics about Pollution Some individuals have ability to keep fitness by themselves however some need a good qualified personal trainer to look after the everyday exercises and diet. Millions people all around the world spend their holidays travelling. The majority of the typical men and women never realize the value of being healthy and fit. Environmental pollution is just one of the biggest problems brought on by human activities that we need to overcome to observe a tomorrow and guarantee our descendants a nutritious life. Reduced quality of water sources can be avoided by decreasing the quantity of waste from industries. Citations and extracts from several sources have to be formatted properly. There are two sorts of air pollution sources that are natural sources and man-made sources. After learning the damaging effects of pollution, an individual must get on the job of preventing or reducing pollution after possible. Effects of pollution There are quite a few effects which can be credited to pollution. Further, it impacts the health leading to respiratory diseases, cancers and other difficulties. It isn't just the lack of illness, diseases or infirmity. As an example, pollution may not be fully controlled with the present population. In the end, soil pollution is an excellent concern to food security. Environmental pollution takes place when pollutants contaminate the organic surroundings. Over time, it has been connected to various types of cancer. In order to talk about the effects it would be important to deal with each type of pollution and after that talk about the effects of that type of pollution There are several forms and forms of pollution that influence the surroundings. We've compiled a list of the best twenty of these intriguing essay topics to help you decide on the perfect one.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Forming A Strategic Alliance †Free Sample - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: 1.Explain theissues, challenges, or disadvantages to forming a strategic alliance. Give an example to provide a context to your discussion. Answer: For growing as an organisation and prospering with each passing year, there is a necessity to find innovative and creative strategies to expand and penetrate into new markets. Strategic alliance relationships have grabbed the attention of business analysts in recent times as it serves as a tool for both parties involved to increase the capital and brand awareness without experiencing negative financial impact. Like most business strategic tools, there are certain issues or challenges involved with a strategic alliance that is to be discussed herein. Strategic alliances come with some significant difficulties, the most important one being the fact that one party handling all the business internally might now have to rely on a second party. If the other party has some hidden agendas, the project might suffer. For example, a party might have hidden agendas related to profit extraction and might show hide the actual cost and profit details. Collateral damage would arise in such cases that can also lead to possible career derailment for employees. All companies, big or small, have difficulties while carrying out their first strategic alliance venture due to loss of control. The decision-making process is usually difficult when a multi-dimensional approach is required. The potential challenges pertaining to strategic alliances include selecting the right partners, upholding honesty and trust, and proper reassessment of the alliance. Negotiating the parameters that describe these aspects is critical. An organisation entering into a strategic alliance for the very first time has to be mentally prepared for the control issues. Simultaneously, an organisation entering into an alliance with a first timer has to be patient and show professionalism (Jones and George). References Jones, Gareth, and Jennifer George.Contemporary management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2015.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Planning and responding to large scale disasters
Nowadays, private sector is not prepared properly for dealing with the large scale disasters. There is an agency, FEMA, which is responsible for dealing with such disasters, however, it is neither designed nor resourced and authorized for such events. Leonard and Howitt (2006) point to the fact that the modern US legal sphere does not have enough regulatory aspects which could allow the government to construct the agency with could perform the role of the company which is to deal with disasters.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Planning and responding to large scale disasters specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The absence of the infrastructure is another issue. Having a plan for dealing with disasters, it is not â€Å"a functioning, practiced, operable system†(Leonard Howitt, 2006, p. 3). To make sure that private sector is properly incorporated into planning and responding to large scale disasters, the age ncies should identify and assess risks, estimate capability requirements, build and sustain capabilities, and plan to deliver those, and finally reviewing and updating stages. All these activities completed at the level of the private sector are helpful in organizing their work (DHS, 2011). Trying to incorporate the private sector including commercial entities, non-governmental or volunteer organizations, and individual citizens into planning and responding to large scale disasters, government should increase the informing part and provide practices how to deal in emergency situations. Each company in the private sector should crate the department or define a person who is responsible for safety. Individuals should protect their lives by means of being informed about the activities they are to do while emergency. Even though government pays much time to dealing terrorism and other disasters, private sector is not ready for large problems. Reference List Carafano, J. J. (2003). Prepa ring responders to respond: the challenges to emergency preparedness in the 21st century: The heritage foundation. Web. DHS. (2007). National Preparedness Goal, pp. 1-A-2. Web. DHS. (2008). National Incident Management System (NIMS), pp. 1-8. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More DHS. (2011). National Preparedness System, pp. 1-7. Web. Leonard, H. B., Howitt, A. M. (2006). Katrina as prelude: Preparing for and responding to future Katrina-class disturbances in the United Statesâ€â€Testimony to U.S. Senate Committee, March 8, 2006. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 3, 1-20. The White House. (2011). Presidential policy directive (PPD)-8: National preparedness. Web. Waugh, W. L. (2004). Terrorism, homeland security and the national emergency management network. Public Organization Review, 3(4), 373-385. This essay on Planning and responding to large scale disasters was written and submitted by user Brayden Meadows to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Rachel Carson Quotes on the Environment
Rachel Carson Quotes on the Environment Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring documenting the impacts of pesticides on ecology. Because of this book, Rachel Carson is often credited with reviving the environmentalist movement. Selected Rachel Carson Quotations The control of nature is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. The concepts and practices of applied entomology for the most part date from that Stone Age of science. It is our alarming misfortune that so primitive a science has armed itself with the most modem and terrible weapons and that in turning them against the insects it has also turned them against the earth. Through all these new, imaginative, and creative approaches to the problem of sharing our earth with other creatures there runs a constant theme, the awareness that we are dealing with life with living populations and all their pressures and counter pressures, their surges, and recessions. Only by taking account of such life forces and by cautiously seeking to guide them into channels favorable to ourselves can we hope to achieve a reasonable accommodation between the insect hordes and ourselves. We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frosts familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road the one less traveled by offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth. If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life. For all at last returns to the sea to Oceanus, the ocean river, like the ever-flowing stream of time, the beginning and the end. One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself, What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?†Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in. It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know of wonder and humility. Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. No witchcraft, no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world. The people had done it themselves. Like the resource it seeks to protect, wildlife conservation must be dynamic, changing as conditions change, seeking always to become more effective. To stand at the edge of the sea, to sense the ebb and flow of the tides, to feel the breath of a mist moving over a great salt marsh, to watch the flight of shore birds that have swept up and down the surf lines of the continents for untold thousands of year, to see the running of the old eels and the young shad to the sea, is to have knowledge of things that are as nearly eternal as any earthly life can be. There is no drop of water in the ocean, not even in the deepest parts of the abyss, that does not know and respond to the mysterious forces that create the tide. The current vogue for poisons has failed utterly to take into account these most fundamental considerations. As crude a weapon as the cave mans club, the chemical barrage has been hurled against the fabric of life a fabric, on the one hand, delicate and destructible, on the other miraculously tough and resilient, and capable of striking back in unexpected ways. These extraordinary capacities of life have been ignored by the practitioners of chemical control who have brought to their task no high-minded orientation, no humility before the vast forces with which they tamper. These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes-nonselective chemicals that have the power to kill every insect, the good and the bad, to still the song of birds and the leaping of fish in the streams, to coat the leaves with a deadly film, and to linger on in soil-all this though the intended target may be only a few weeds or insects. Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life? They should not be called insecticides, but biocides. Quotes About Rachel Carson Vera Norwood: In the early 1950s, when Carson finished The Sea Around Us, she was optimistic about the use science could make of nature while still respecting the final priority of natural processes over human manipulation. . . . Ten years later, at work on Silent Spring, Carson was no longer as sanguine about the ability of the environment to protect itself from human interference. She had begun to understand the destructive impact civilization had on the environment and was presented with a dilemma: the growth of civilization destroys the environment, but only through increased knowledge (a product of civilization) can destruction be stopped. John Perkins: She articulated a philosophy of how civilized people ought to relate to nature and its care. Carsons technical critique of insecticides launched from a philosophical foundation ultimately found a home in a new movement, environmentalism, in the late 1960s and 1970s. She must be regarded as one intellectual founder of the movemen t, even though she perhaps did not intend to do so nor did she live to see the real fruition of her work.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Answers to Questions About Tense
Answers to Questions About Tense Answers to Questions About Tense Answers to Questions About Tense By Mark Nichol A reader submitted three queries about which verb forms to use to indicate various tenses. Here are the questions and my responses. 1. When do you use have with another verb, and when do you omit it? (For example, â€Å"I have said yesterday . . .†vs. â€Å"I said yesterday . . . .†) When do you use had? (â€Å"I had said yesterday . . . .†) â€Å"I have said yesterday . . .†is erroneous. Use have in this type of construction only when you want to emphasize that the action occurred at an unspecified time: â€Å"I have said that I would support the policy.†(This form is called the present perfect tense.) Use had for the past perfect tense, when you want to indicate that something happened before a previous occurrence or a previous time: â€Å"I had said that I would support the policy, but that was before I realized it is unfair.†2. When should I use would as in â€Å"I would want to eat there,†as opposed to â€Å"I want to eat there†? What is the difference? â€Å"I would want to eat there†implies or precedes a condition: â€Å"I would want to eat there if it weren’t so expensive.†â€Å"I want to eat there,†by contrast, expresses a simple desire. 3. What’s the difference between â€Å"If I can, then I will†and â€Å"If I could, then I would†? â€Å"If I can, then I will†expresses a simple desire to accommodate. â€Å"If I could, then I would†implies that, because of a condition that is unnamed or not yet named, one is unable to accommodate. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherTelling a Good Poem from a Bad OneEach vs. Both
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assigment 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Assigment 7 - Assignment Example aware and hiding it for the sake of company profits, I would approach the boss and failure of co-operation from him would lead to approaching the press. This is because there are already measures in place to deal with global warming, which makes it irrational to risk killing 200,000 annually in Hover-Vehicle accidents even though they will eliminate global warming. My personal ethical philosophy stems from the concept of doing unto others as you would they to you, guided by the biblical teaching of loving one’s neighbor as you love yourself. Therefore, if I had the second ring, the first thing I would think about is what another person would do to me if they had it. Not wishing harm upon myself, I would, therefore, not harm anyone with the ring. The concept of ethics informs on the defense and recommendation of right conduct as opposed to wrong (Vendemiati, 2004). This helps to explain this fictitious
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Standardization and Adaptation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Standardization and Adaptation - Essay Example Finally, in 1961, the McDonald’s brothers sold the whole share to Mr. Kroc for $2.7 million. In 1967, McDonald’s had opted for its first international venture in Canada. Shortly after that, the license of Eastern Canada’s business of McDonald’s was bought by George Cohon, who had opened the first restaurant in the year 1968. The key to international success of McDonald’s was the use of Franchising. By franchising through the local people, the delivery of the products and the interpretation of their US brands to the local people regarding product and services became much easier. In this context, the report focuses on the adaptation and the standardization conformed by McDonald’s and how it had led to their success. Standardization Standardization signifies creation of a consistent way for carrying out procedures and tasks. Standardization can be related to any process that is being carried out in the organization such as, machinery standardiza tion, operation standardization, drawing standardization, inventory standardization, communication standardization and clerical process standardization. Operation standardization signifies that the operation can be conducted by any one. ... This is implemented within the organization to ensure that the end product of the organization is of consistent quality and is easily comparable to other products of same class. Standardization is seen to be adopted by various business processes when the organizations aim to achieve consistent level of quality. For instance, in case of fast food franchises, detailed outlines are provided regarding the preparation of food so that the customers experience the same taste and flavour, regardless of the franchise of the chain that they are visiting. Adaptation related to the environmental demands often requires non-trivial changes related to the structure, ideology and technology of the organization. There are several dimensions along which the organizational adaptation are implemented; for instance, the changes in the core features such as, technology along with changes in more peripheral characteristics such as, changes in the advisory team. Adaptation Adaptation is defined as the alter ations made to the system due to the forces that lead to the changes in the business climate. Organizational adaptation is defined as the response that the organization generates through changes in ideology, technology and structure due to the changes in the environmental opportunities and demand. The performance of the organization is dependent on a large number of factors that are related to the business environment and therefore, adaptation becomes important for the organization. This does not imply that an organization requires constant adaptation to the environment because if the business environment is stable, then it requires very little adaptation (D’aunno and Price, 1985; Huq, et al., 2003; Kammerlander, 2013).
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Reflective essay about the guest speaker Essay Example for Free
Reflective essay about the guest speaker Essay I have been given the opportunity to attend one of the guest speaker events to write my reflective essay on. The guest speaker lecture I attended was a woman who had her own wedding company and as years went on she changed it to just focus on wedding cakes, instead of dresses and wedding events etc. The speech was very useful as the business student it gave me a wider knowledge and ideas for the future and I am so glad I attended because when you hear about another person’s journey through their business it helps you to understand more and focus on what’s important. She also spoke about the change in her technique to challenge competitors and blending techniques which she said in her speech â€Å" Niche was to give her clients exactly what they want when there’s conflict within the wedding party â€Å" which you would understand when you are getting married you want everything to go perfectly for your big day and everything to go how you planned it. So making the cakes she had to make sure especially for wedding cakes she always makes sure it is exactly how the clients asked for so there is no conflict and issues as a client it would be devastating seeing a result of the complete opposite of how you wanted the cake to be. It’s always important to keep the clients happy and impressed as it plays a big part in the company and you would want people to leave good and positive reviews and that’s how you build your company. The guest speaker also mentioned the economic climate which is a general characterization of the overall mood of the global economy or of a regional economy, which captures the status of the stock market, the perception of the economy by consumers, and the availability of jobs and credit. Business decisions such as hiring, borrowing, lending, and investment in new initiatives are often strongly influenced by the overall economic climate. The economic climate for her company was sweatshops because they have been a factor in the production of goods around the world for centuries but the globalization of business has led increasing numbers of major corporations to take advantage of low-cost sweatshops labor in developing countries. Recent examples of sweatshop conditions in the garment industry have caused an international outcry by Labour leaders and government officials. This whole situation made the clothing cost less than the retail price of fabric. Also, it all depends on the targe t market on who it is targeting at and in her company she had a lot of people that were size 14 plus. The recessions in the 1990s Were she wasn’t making enough money and it made it difficult for her to hold on to the business, the disposable income reduced as well as the wedding cakes were considered elastic products which meant the sellers and buyers adjust their demand for the good product when the price changes. Also, the guest speaker spoke about the disadvantages that affected her business was the changes in the law 1990 health and hygiene regulations. She spoke how this was a big impact on her business because of changing fashions and finding ways to keep up with the times and the little things count in maintaining a high-quality brand. All these things were really important towards her business because if you don’t follow the rules and regulations it can cause a danger to the company and she could lose it all. The implications of changing environment were keeping up to date with change as it plays a big part when having your own business and you are responsible for following and researching changes in the law. Attending wedding fairs was a chance for her to promote her business and give our business cards and people to get a taste of her company so they knew what the service and goods are if they wanted her for the future upcoming events. Along with that she also mentioned how she had wedding cake competitions which she enjoyed but you have to compete with others so clients come to her and not the other company’s. It was all about having the good product and knowing what the audience love, although it was a competition it was also about learning new techniques from others and others learning from her and how they do their design. She explained how learning from others isn’t always a bad thing, sometimes it’s good for you as if give you more ideas on how to improve and have better skills than what you already have and know.The pricing strategy is also important as she had to access the cost by monitoring the prices of competitions and having the interactions with customers have changed because of the internet where you have social media like Instagram, Facebook or your own business website where people have easy access and can easily contact you via message asking for quick information and you have other people who are already your client s writing feedback which catches other people’s attention as well.She spoke how if it was profitable, and explained that yes the wedding dresses were more profitable as there are the wedding every season of the month and the love of weddings, where every woman wants to look perfect with the perfect wedding dress on the big day. During the guest speaker event, I am so glad to have attended as I have learned many things from the guest speaker speaking about her company. She has motivated on helping me create ideas for what I plan for my future business/career. She also taught me that it is important to be up to date with the rules and regulations and always do research on anything especially when having your own business or if you wish to. You also need to think of contingency measure in different emergency and situations, doing this will make sure the events you hold or the finished product will be carried out smoothly with no conflicts. How I intend to implement ideas gained in the event to boost my future career, is by attending more of the guest speaker events and be involved when there are events going on to help me boost my confidence, doing this I know it will help me to understand more and also because I am studying business in most of my modules it helps me to understand each day. Doing research is r eally important before thinking of having your own business so it gives you a wider knowledge and keeps you aware of the advantages and disadvantages. References What is economic climate? definition and meaning (2017). Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/economic-climate.html (Accessed: 26 November 2017). Sweatshops facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Sweatshops (2017). Available at: http://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/economics-business-and-labor/labor/sweatshops(Accessed: 26 November 2017).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
art history :: essays research papers
     In the American wing of the Allentown art museum is a small painting that hits really close to home. It is called the View on the Lehigh River above Mauch Chunk. This is a genre scene that shows a small homestead in the foreground of a landscape of the Lehigh River. It was painted in 1862. View on the Lehigh River shows what life may have been like living along the Lehigh during that time. Critics have said his work â€Å"looks as European as it does American†(Gstavus1).      Down the hall in the European wing a painting by Aert van der Neer called River Landscape by Moonlight. It is a small dark painting that is so faint in contrasting colors that the viewer must get very close to it and squint in order to make out all of the objects in the scene. As the title suggests the painting depicts a river landscape, not common for the time. However, in his depiction the river is only visible as the light from the moon is reflecting off of it. The painting is undated, as are most of his works. It’s estimated that van der Neer was born between 1603 and 1604 and it is known that he died in 1677. Analyzing and comparing the two pieces, the viewer can recognize many similarities with in the two. The differences are evidently due to the amount of time that had elapsed between when the two painting were completed.      When the viewer approaches River Landscape by Moonlight by a Dutch artist during the Baroque period, the first impression is made by the artist’s use of light. It is not uncommon to wonder where the faint light is coming from. A closer inspection will reveal that it is the moon peaking out of the cloud filled sky. The moonbeam’s shimmering light directs the viewer down the river, the reflection silhouettes two late night fishermen in the foreground. The river appears to be the brightest as it fades into the horizon underneath by the moon giving the painting great depth. The rivers contours are outlining by the moonlight reflecting off the water, illuminating the river banks ever so faintly. Moving into the shadows on the near bank of the river is a small house; its window pane catches the moonlight and sends it to the viewer. The space hidden in the shadows that contain the house and the wooden are behind it have
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Failures: Failure and Entire Network Shutdown
Companies and businesses communicate with one another internally and with customer externally each day using different methods of technology but at the basis of this is the network, which makes it all possible to interact with one another. Companies and businesses have two types of systems they can set up to carry this out. They can design and set up a centralized system or a distributed system. The important factor no matter what the system is they have to be prepared for failures, which may occur in either system and have procedures in place to identify and isolate these failures to prevent an entire network shutdown and implement a solution for their network.Failures can occur at any level of a network and the network admin must be prepared in the wake of these occurrences. There are varying types of centralized systems that businesses can implement.The types of failures that can occur in centralized systems are; network failures, omission failures and halting failures. These type s of failures occur when a process crashes due to communication link failures that are detected during timeouts or in the process of sending messages.These failures typically only occur in the centralized system if it is connected via a general purpose or multi-user network setup.A distributed system simply is a group of â€Å"dummy†devices or computer that are connected to one network of distributed hardware which allows the devices to talk or communicate to one another and share other network assets and resources.This type of network is susceptible to four types of failures once they are set up. A fail stop occurs with some kind of notification to other components. A network file server telling its clients it is about to go down is a fail-stop. Halting failures occur when a component just simply stops. The only way to detect this type of failure is by a timeout an example of which is when you computer freezes. The device stops responding to requests.A network failure al so can occur when network links break at some part of the process of traffic flow. Finally mission failures occur when there is a fault in the sending and receiving of messages due to lack of buffering space. This can lead to a device such as a router becoming overloading due to discarding of messages without notification to either the sender/receiver.Once these failures have been detected utilizing network research methods the next step in the process is to repair or fix the occurrence. These fixes can range from quick to time consuming, as each failure requires a different set of troubleshooting techniques. The simplest failure to repair is the network line break. The network admin would need to try and reach another device from the broken PC or device by utilizing the ping command to verify if the request was fulfilled which receiving a successful reply back from the device does. If the device fails to respond the admin would check other steps such as changing the network cable, configuration of the IP address or the network interface card.We typically solve the halting failure daily on our personal computer or our work device when it freezes. We typically use the ESC function or the Task Manager in Windows or the â€Å"kill†function in Linux to end an unresponsive process or we restart the device.Although we can’t always predict when a network failure will occur we can be ready to repair it in a timey manner by having diagnostic steps readily available when a failure is detected to prevent network assets being down for long periods of time.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Road Not Taken Robert Frost
Journeys illustrate the voyage between places of interest. They are demonstrated by expressing to the audience the hardship and mixed emotions you go through to the destination. Some examples of positive effects on those who embark on a mission are that it hinders them to get out of their comfort zone and helps them appreciate what they have, if a problem occurs while embarking on your voyage it will have to be resolved to make the mission you board on possible. The text analysed â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by Robert Frost and the type of text is poetry. My second choice of text was â€Å"The Wizard of Oz†by Victor Fleming the text type is a movie. Some possible techniques analysed are rhyme, imagery, symbolism, long shot, up shot and a full shot. In the title â€Å"The Road Not Taken†describes a journey that hasn’t been trekked upon; people chose the comfort of a common path to avoid obsticles of hardship and beyond the unknown. In the movie â€Å"The Wizard of Oz†, the hardship of deciding which road or path to take by choosing which pathway she will travel on the unknown. Embarking on the unknown; in the poem The Road Not Taken, the author uses rhyme to make it easier or clearer for the reader to contemplate. â€Å"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and be one traveller long I stood. †In â€Å"Two roads diverged†it was offering us a choice on which path to stride on, by illustrating â€Å"yellow wood†it characterizes the road as cautious. â€Å"And be one traveller long I stood†one traveller alone, no companion, own choice, uncertainty of which path to voyage on. Therefore the uncertainty is the obsticle of hardship of his journey. Furthermore in the movie, The Wizard of Oz we distinguish Dorothy and Toto embarking on their journey. In the long shot Dorothy and Toto illustrate the extensive road ahead of them. It also shows the solitude of Dorothy that she’s got nowhere left to go apart from running away. The baggage in her hand emphasizes that she’s taken everything she owned and not returning home. Low modality demonstrates the gloominess of the journey ahead. In relation to ‘The Road Not Taken’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ both texts, illustrate solitude, hardship, beyond the unknown and the uncertainty of choice. Embarking on the unknown; in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ the author uses imagery to illustrate the choice between the different paths. The unknown is there to explore. â€Å"Then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear. †In ‘Then took the other just as fair’ illustrates to us that the author portrays the rare choice of which path he chose to take. ’And having perhaps the better claim’ the author is certain that he’s made the right choice. ‘Because it was grassy and wanted wear’ the imagery described as the grass has never been tread on or hasn’t been walked on; undisturbed. Therefore the text symbolizes the choice of journeys undertaken prior. Furthermore in the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’ we observe Dorothy, Glinda and the wicked witch of the west. In the full shot we establish that Dorothy’s house has landed on top of the wicked witch of the east. The witch of the west approaches to save the ruby shoes but they are mysteriously positioned on Dorothy’s feet. The witch cautions Dorothy that there will be vengeance. In the full shot we observe Dorothy’s face that she’s petrified. The full shot demonstrates emotions on the characters face. In the background the munchkins are laying flat on the ground terrified from the witch after the witch’s journey flying. In relation to â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"The Wizard of Oz†in both texts we establish the uncertainty of choice chosen and the different journey’s they embark upon. Embarking on the unknown; the author uses symbolism to illustrate the colour of his journey. â€Å"And that morning equally lay, in leaves no step had trodden black. †In ‘leaves o step had trodden black’ this portrays that no living being had ever walked upon this path before due to the fact that the black is symbolising gloominess and depression. Therefore, again the uncertainty of the unknown is the obsticle of the journey he’s embarking upon. Furthermore, in the movie â€Å"The Wizard of Oz†we establish the flying monkeys in the air with Dorothy in their arms. The upshot was used to illustrate to us the length and height they flew up from the ground to emphasize to the viewers that they should be fearful of them. The dull use of colours focuses on the darkness the witch and the monkeys originate from. The monkeys disrupt Dorothy’s journey which she was so close to getting to her destination. In relation to both texts we distinguish the interruption of the journey, the gloominess of the different types of journey you embark upon. In conclusion to these two texts we establish that journeying upon the unknown can position you in a situation you don’t want to be placed in. Also the hardship and the uncertainty of choice upon the voyage and the solitude of both characters in both texts are demonstrated throughout the mission. Furthermore we learn that different types of dangers and obsticles can interrupt the journey you are embarking upon.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. The WritePass Journal
The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide the extensive literature review as for as the risk management of an organization is concerned. IntroductionREVIEW OF LITERATURE Financial ReportsTypes of Financial Reports. Conclusion:Related Introduction REVIEW OF LITERATURE The banking is the old concept as old as the man existence in the world in the earliest. From the day one of the baking sector development the credit risk management it is obvious that the credit risk is very much possible an the existence of the credit risk is as old as the banking concept is.  The development of the banking sector has taken the new and developed shapes by having the technology from the advent of the science and technology of the present age. The credit risk exist from the first day of the banking sector but the management of the credit risk is came in to existence after the realization of the credit risk in the banking sector. The credit risk management is one of the key factor for any banking organization for the management of the risks to the banks from the credit losses or and of the bank defaults. To minimize the credit risk of the banking organization it is obvious that the management of the organization has to make the follow up policies to make the risk to be get less and to achieve this goal the brief study of the following factors is necessary Analyzing the documentation for the products launching of the banking sectors from the point of view of profit loss of the product The exact picture of the products are in the real investment and income ratio of the banking statements which should be studied and analyzed for the future planning of the new product launching for the banking organization The study of the financial documents of the banking organization is very important for minimizing the credit risk of the various products of the bank. The analyzing of the banking organization’s investments from the profit/loss ratio should be studied The risk management is done by the evaluation of the previous financial documents like the financial reports, trail balance accounts, balance sheets and other such documents are very important in this regard. The proper working of the organization is controlled by the management of the organization and the management of the organization is responsible for all the ups and downs of the organization. The management manages the cycle of the workforce inside the organization and its management is usually the main concern with the workforce and the proper functioning of the banking organization. The credit risks are also the part which come under the concern of the management of the banking organization as it can cause the proper functioning of the banks be astray from the actual path of working or th malfunctioning of the organization. The management of the organization has to develop the proper credit risk management cycle or system to manage any credit risk that can cause the damages to the organization in the short term and long term. It is not the every time that the management of the organization becomes able to identify and wipe out the credit risks that are causing the financial threats to the organization completely. Here we can discuss some points that are the subject to the project management which are useful for overcoming into the context of the business organization in short and long run having all the possibilities taken under the considerations If we go along planning something we must look in doing something, searching something and creating steps to sort out our planning by having proper planning which we called the proper management if done for credit risk management the banking organizations must be evaluated properly. The credit risk management is analyzed by the authentic documents/legal documentation of the banks or any organization as it deals with the sensitive issues of any bank or organization The legal documentation of the bank includes the term papers for different purpose utilized by the bank for the instance, the bank provide different products or we can say financial products. These legal documents include Financial statements Profit loss statements Quarterly Reports Equability share Reports Investment Reports. Dividends Reports The data analysis factors are very much important in understanding the credit risk and credit management of any organization in short/long term planning. The credit risk management is done by the different things. Is is done by the customer satisfaction which is don by the review of different factors created by the credit risk. The utility of the credit risk management is usually the settlement of the causes of failures that can be caused by the credit risks. The credit risk management has a very vast area under its cover. It involve the factors which are created by the customer’s needs and can be overcome by doing the customer satisfaction management. The credit receiving is often taken to grant which help to put in plain words the needs of diplomacy. The first point of the credit control which should be kept in mind is to recognize the cost of credit and its various effects on the profit loss of the organization. By analyzing the credit risk we can conclude the banking risk that can be faced by the organization at various level of credit control process. Credit risk management is also very useful analyzing lacks that can occur during the credit control policy of any origination The data is utilized that is provided by the concern banks in this regard. The time series analysis of the five year financial plan is very effective to figure out the exact picture of the present state of the risks that are faced and that can be faced by the organization or a bank The structurally identification of the banking risk management is done by the review of the various legal documentation of the banks or any financial organizations in the marketplace. The credit rsik investigation is done by analyzing the different documentation such as the profit and losses ratio of the bank for the individual products launched by the organization or a bank The individual investigation is very much necessary as the ignorance in this matter will cause the credit losses on one of the products individually which might not be come under the eye of the banks or the financial organization as the organization as a whole going in profit or achieving its goal at steady speed. The exploration of the internal structure of the organization is done by the management of the organization at various levels of working in the banking and in the management cycle. The exploration may reduce the banking credit risk as it allows the complete picture of the organization and needs of the organization can be fulfilled according to the necessities opf the financial organization or the bank. What is the most important is to make the environment of the banking organization so good for the working conditions and for the customers as the believe of the customer on the different products of the organization become firm. The identification of the sectors from the bank or the financial organization can face the credit risks are very import to spotlight. The different sectors which can cause the credit risks are following Different products launched by the organization and its development by not taking the proper handling The loans given by the banks as the return of the loan must be ensured by the legal documentation to avoid the loan losses The investments done by the bank in different sectors The overview of these factors and sectors might be the way to avoid the credit risk to the organization. The management role in this regard is very much important as the management deal with the major decisions of the organization so to avoid the credit risk management the management has to play his role as a good management. The management of the organization is responsible for taking the necessary steps to initiate the process which might less the risks of credit that can cause damage to the organization or a bank. The management of the organization is responsible to answer the following What we are planning to do in managing the risk management? What is our approach in doing it? When is the right time to do the start?  What are the prerequisites of doing? What time period will it require?  What will be the cost require to complete it? The above question will give the brief view of the present credit risks towards the organization and the management of these risks can be done by adopting the proper techniques and methods for it. The credit risk is taken under the consideration for each and every documentation of the banks/organization. Financial Reports There are many ways to understand the banking ability and position. The financial reports are of main concern which are made after analysis of the financial reports by the banks. Types of Financial Reports. There are many types of financial reports two of which are of mains converse 1. Yearly Financial Reports. The yearly financial reports include. The complete profit/loss of the organization financial statements are also included in the report The complete profit/Loss report is created at the end of the fiscal year which covers in the yearly financial report. 2. Quarterly Financial Reports The quarterly financial reports are done to have a quick view on the performance of the organizations or the bank. 3. Half Quarterly Reports The half quarterly report is created to have a quick and focused view on some certain products and products appreciation of the bank or any organizations. The Bank offers loans and launches different products which involves in the credit risk. The loans are the major concern which are very much involved in the credit risk. The recovery of the loans must be ensured by getting the proper security to avoid any risks caused by the loss due to loan non-recovery. The credit risk in the market is very much open. Launching more and more new products the possibility of the more and more credit risk can be faced by the organization or the bank. To avoid such risk the proper risk management should done to avoid the risks in these circumstances. The review of the whole circumstances gives us the picture of the organization in the short and long term planning of the management. If we go along planning something we must look in doing something, searching something and creating steps to sort out our planning by having proper planning which we called the proper management if done for credit risk management the banking organizations must be evaluated properly. By looking at the credit risk we probe into the banking risks, assessments, management and control over the management. The attempt to understand the credit risk unfolds some of the risks in management evaluation and assessment equipments, models and methods. Credit risk management also analyzes to overcome the lacks in credit lacks during the different credit management implementation techniques. Conclusion: In the end we can say that the credit risks exist right from the beginning of the banking concept and the banking concept is as old as the man from the very early age. The different levels of risks are threatening for the banking organization should be taken in to the account by the management of the organization for the betterment of the financial organization. The identification of the risk is very important as the identification of the sectors is done from where the bank can face the credit risks. The credit risks can be made less by following the proper method and techniques followed by the complete study of the financial documents of the organization. The brief history of the organization in terms of credit losses and the profit should be analyzed to get the clear picture of the present situation. And the proper evaluation will enable the management of the organization to avoid the credit risks.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Compartir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples
Compartir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples The Spanish verb compartir means to share. It is a regular -ir verb like vivir and escribir.  The tables below include compartir conjugations in the indicative mood (present, preterite, imperfect, future, periphrastic future, and conditional), subjunctive mood (present and past), and imperative mood, as well as other verb forms such as the present and past participles. Compartir Present Indicative Yo comparto I share Yo comparto la comida con mi amiga. T compartes You share T compartes tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella comparte You/he/she shares Ella comparte el carro con su esposo. Nosotros compartimos We share Nosotros compartimos el almuerzo. Vosotros comparts You share Vosotros comparts la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas comparten You/they share Ellos comparten las responsabilidades. Compartir Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past. It can be translated as the English simple past tense. Yo compart I shared Yo compart la comida con mi amiga. T compartiste You shared T compartiste tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella comparti You/he/she shared Ella comparti el carro con su esposo. Nosotros compartimos We shared Nosotros compartimos el almuerzo. Vosotros compartisteis You shared Vosotros compartisteis la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compartieron You/they shared Ellos compartieron las responsabilidades. Compartir Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing or habitual actions in the past. It can be translated to English as was sharing or used to share. Yo comparta I used to share Yo comparta la comida con mi amiga. T compartas You used to share T compartas tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella comparta You/he/she used to share Ella comparta el carro con su esposo. Nosotros compartamos We used to share Nosotros compartamos el almuerzo. Vosotros compartais You used to share Vosotros compartais la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compartan You/they used to share Ellos compartan las responsabilidades. Compartir Future Indicative Yo compartir I will share Yo compartir la comida con mi amiga. T compartirs You will share T compartirs tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella compartir You/he/she will share Ella compartir el carro con su esposo. Nosotros compartiremos We will share Nosotros compartiremos el almuerzo. Vosotros compartiris You will share Vosotros compartiris la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compartirn You/they will share Ellos compartirn las responsabilidades. Compartir Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future tense is formed with the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go) followed by the preposition a, and then the infinitive of the verb. Yo voy a compartir I am going to share Yo voy a compartir la comida con mi amiga. T vas a compartir You are going to share T vas a compartir tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella va a compartir You/he/she is going to share Ella va a compartir el carro con su esposo. Nosotros vamos a compartir We are going to share Nosotros vamos a compartir el almuerzo. Vosotros vais a compartir You are going to share Vosotros vais a compartir la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a compartir You/they are going to share Ellos van a compartir las responsabilidades. Compartir Conditional Indicative Yo compartira I would share Yo compartira la comida con mi amiga. T compartiras You would share T compartiras tu habitacin con tu hermano. Usted/l/ella compartira You/he/she would share Ella compartira el carro con su esposo. Nosotros compartiramos We would share Nosotros compartiramos el almuerzo. Vosotros compartirais You would share Vosotros compartirais la ropa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas compartiran You/they would share Ellos compartiran las responsabilidades. Compartir Present Progressive/Gerund Form The present progressive tense is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verb estar, followed by the present participle (gerundio in Spanish). To form the present participle for -ir verbs, you need to add the ending -iendo. Present Progressive of Compartir est compartiendo She is sharing Ella est compartiendo el carro con su esposo. Compartir Past Participle To form the past participle of -ir verbs, you need to add the ending -ido. The past participle can be used to form compound tenses such as the present perfect. Present Perfect of Compartir ha compartido she has shared Ella ha compartido el carro con su esposo. Compartir Present Subjunctive The subjunctive mood is used when a sentence has two different clauses- a main clause and a subordinate clause- where each clause has a different subject. The subjunctive mood is used in the subordinate clause. To conjugate the subjunctive form, start with the first person singular (yo) present indicative conjugation, drop the ending, and add the subjunctive ending, which for -er and -ir verbs are a, as, a, amos, is, an. Que yo comparta That I share Hctor quiere que yo comparta la comida con mi amiga. Que t compartas That you share Pap quiere que t compartas tu habitacin con tu hermano. Que usted/l/ella comparta That you/he/she share Liliana quiere que ella comparta el carro con su esposo. Que nosotros compartamos That we share Lisette quiere que nosotros compartamos el almuerzo. Que vosotros compartis That you share Denise quiere que vosotros compartis la ropa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compartan That you/they share Mam quiere que ellos compartan las responsabilidades. Compartir Imperfect Subjunctive There are two forms of the imperfect subjunctive. They are both equally valid. Option 1 Que yo compartiera That I shared Hctor quera que yo compartiera la comida con mi amiga. Que t compartieras That you shared Pap quera que t compartieras tu habitacin con tu hermano. Que usted/l/ella compartiera That you/he/she shared Liliana quera que ella compartiera el carro con su esposo. Que nosotros compartiramos That we shared Lisette quera que nosotros compartiramos el almuerzo. Que vosotros compartierais That you shared Denise quera que vosotros compartierais la ropa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compartieran That you/they shared Mam quera que ellos compartieran las responsabilidades. Option 2 Que yo compartiese That I shared Hctor quera que yo compartiese la comida con mi amiga. Que t compartieses That you shared Pap quera que t compartieses tu habitacin con tu hermano. Que usted/l/ella compartiese That you/he/she shared Liliana quera que ella compartiese el carro con su esposo. Que nosotros compartisemos That we shared Lisette quera que nosotros compartisemos el almuerzo. Que vosotros compartieseis That you shared Denise quera que vosotros compartieseis la ropa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas compartiese That you/they shared Mam quera que ellos compartiesen las responsabilidades. Compartir Imperative The imperative mood is used to give direct commands. There are both positive and negative commands, and they have slightly different forms. Remember that there are no imperative forms for yo, à ©l/ella, or ellos/ellas. Positive Commands T comparte Share! Comparte tu habitacin con tu hermano! Usted comparta Share! Comparta el carro con su esposo! Nosotros compartamos Lets share! Compartamos el almuerzo! Vosotros compartid Share! Compartid la ropa! Ustedes compartan Share! Compartan las responsabilidades! Negative Commands T no compartas Dont share! No compartas tu habitacin con tu hermano! Usted no comparta Dont share! No comparta el carro con su esposo! Nosotros no compartamos Lets not share! No compartamos el almuerzo! Vosotros no compartis Dont share! No compartis la ropa! Ustedes no compartan Dont share! No compartan las responsabilidades!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
English short story paper analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English short story paper analysis - Essay Example It seemed the world was full of contradictions. Love is kind and good. It makes you feel good about yourself. Love wants the best for you. Love allows you to be who you are. Parents, full of love, want to help their children achieve their dreams. But it was always Mother who hurt and punished and made her feel bad about herself. It was Mother who wanted her to marry the worst of the suitors who asked for her hand, the one who was all about money and possession and showed little feeling or concern for her welfare. It was Mother who didn’t care what her dreams were but only thought about what Mother wanted. She considered the one who had no money but his heart in his eyes and shivered. In writing this imitation, I learned just why this passage is so important in understanding the plotline of this story. The passage opens with a moment of doubt, as if the main character cannot decide if she is right or wrong in thinking herself somehow in danger of losing something important to her – her life, her health or her future happiness. She does not trust her own mind anymore partly as a result of her upbringing and partly as a result of her current situation. Cisneros’ main character is plagued by the patriarchal structure she was raised in as well as the telenovelas or soap operas that gave her an understanding of the world to believe that she is supposed to love her husband for the rest of her life and that pain in love is expected and must be endured. This is what contributes to the main question that starts the passage. This was duplicated in the suggestion that the main character in the imitation is up against her own mother’s opinion. Obviously, she has been raised to believe that her mother was always right and, since her mother has told her she’s crazy, she has believed it, at least to some extent. However, Cisneros’ character looks outside of her little household and the world she’s grown up in to weigh her experience against the
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